Cue Vs Command for Dogs

How do the words we use in dog training matter? In this blog, we break down how the distinction between cue and command for dogs and ultimately the positive benefits on your dog’s behavior.

Thoughts to words.

Dog training depends on communicating and building a relationship with your dog. It is important to remember as you train your dog that each individual has different sensitivities written in their DNA.

Let’s go through the difference of the words cue and command, and what each term means.

  • Command: Requiring authority
  • Cue: Excites action
  • Do you see the vast difference?
  • Do you want your dog to act aggressively or enthusiastically?
  • How do you prefer to learn?

Communicating with your pet in a positive way like ‘cue’, becomes a 2-way street. You can teach your dog how to behave just by giving them choices and rewarding the correct ones.

We are not suggesting that feedback and consequences should be removed from a dog’s life but dogs need attention and feedback to keep them on the right path.

You should introduce Cues once the child has learned behavior and gained some meaning in it and once our dog understands the desired behavior, then we can introduce a cue word

Command for dogs are often given before behavior can be learned then we give praise or rewards if the desired behavior is achieved and not if it doesn’t happen.

Read our top 10 training tips for your dog


When you see their dog has stopped moving or playing, they often have three possible explanations:

  • Your dog may not be understanding the cue
  • Distractions 
  • Not enough rewards

 The mental approach we take with our pets can have a large effect on how they behave. Dogs thrive in environments that foster growth, positivity and clear communication.

One of the best things you can do is to subscribe to an online dog training course, we have tried a bunch of them and we can recommend this one.

Read our blog on how to find the best dog trainer in Dubai

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