Your Pet Could Be The Next Superstar!

Always thought that your furball is just too adorable not to share with the world and always wonders if they have rawr-d to stardom?

Then you’d find this agency rather interesting, and they are not just any other agency!

The Animal Agency is the UAE’s only professional animal agency providing models and actors of every color, shape, and size to the region’s growing media and advertising industry. They provide various assignments, including television, film, magazines or newspapers, special events, and live work.

With a large and growing range of animals from domestic animals such as dogs and cats, to Arabian heritage animals such as camels and falcons, to exotic animals. Their extensive portfolio ensures that they can provide just what you’re looking for.

Having close relationships with the animal’s owners, and a thorough screening process, ensures they are confident that every animal representing The Animal Agency is the utmost professional.

The Animal Agency can also offer the services of their photographers to work with you to achieve the images that you want from an assignment. All animals will be accompanied by their owners (and an Animal Agency representative) to ensure that the animal is as relaxed as possible and the assignment runs smoothly.

Now they can have fun and make some money!

It got your attention, right? We know, that you know, that your furballs have what it takes!

If you wanna give it a go, you can visit their website to go through the registration process and get more details.

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