Why your Dog is Itching often

Dogs might itch from time to time, but if your dog is itching often, it’s time to get to the root cause. In this blog we tackle common causes of canine itchiness, as well as how you can alleviate symptoms and treat the root cause.

*Did you know the medical term for itching is Pruritus

Reasons for Dog Itchy Skin

Dogs have varying degrees of skin sensitivity. This could result in itching from various things. In many cases, though, any problem is triggered by something in the environment.

Dog Itching Main causes

  • Dogs don’t usually show signs of flea bites, but you can tell they’ve been bitten by looking for red, irritated, and swollen areas on the skin. These are like how a mosquito bite would affect human skin.
  • Dogs that are dry may be due to bathing too often or using harsh shampoos.
  • Environmental allergens can lead to serious skin reactions. These reactions are caused by both indoor and outdoor allergens.
  • Seasonal allergies can be the cause of persistent licking by your dog. If they start licking more during transitional seasons, like fall or spring, a seasonal allergy may be the culprit.
  • The common food ingredients like chicken, beef, and wheat can cause allergies in dogs. In addition to gastrointestinal issues, allergies can also result in itchy skin.
  • Bacterial or yeast infections can affect areas where skin is folded more easily, such as ears, the neck, under the tail, between the toes and in facial folds for dogs who have them. It could be anywhere on your dog’s body.
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Relief from Itchy Skin

For dogs, it’s good to fix the root cause instead of only dealing with symptoms. Naturally, there is some involved time in fixing the cause but it’s better than risking infection and loosing your pet by having him scratch all night.

Here are some solutions to soothe your dog’s skin and stop him from itching

  • Bathe in lukewarm or warm water, use a gentle shampoo and try Sudsy which is made of natural ingredients.
  • It’s important to keep your dog’s sensitive areas clean. Every time you can, use a wet, soft cloth to wipe the area after playtime or time outside to prevent irritation.
  • Medications like antihistamines can help control symptoms, but may make your dog drowsy. Be sure to talk through dosing carefully with your vet before giving your dog any medication.
  • If you think your dog is exposed to an allergen, try your best to prevent contact. For example, getting a raised dog bed will help avoid dust or pollen and changing the walking route can avoid seasonal triggers.

Knowing what your dog’s skin ailment is linked to will help you decrease symptoms and make sure your dog is happy, healthy, and itch-free.

You should talk to you vet anytime your dog has excessive itching. They can give you treatment options, help figure out what is causing the itch, and advise on how to find allergens.

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