This Dubai Rescue Cat is living the American Dream on Instagram

Meet Benson, the gray tabby cat who has taken the internet by storm. With over 251,000 Instagram followers, this photogenic feline has become a pet influencer sensation under the handle “a_street_cat_named_benson.”

From his fierce looks to his high-fashion wardrobe, Benson “does quite well for himself financially,” according to his owner, pet influencer Zoe Mansuri.

Benson’s journey to stardom began when he was rescued from Dubai and brought to Baltimore, Maryland, where he now lives the life of a celebrity cat.

With a wardrobe of more than 250 items, ranging from Amazon purchases to custom couture, it’s no wonder why cat lovers can’t get enough of this gender-bending feline.

“Benson is a boy. He dresses up like a boy and a girl because life is too short not to be everything you want to be,” says Mansuri.

Zoe started the adorable Instagram account in 2018 to raise the spirits of her husband, Uvesh, a physician. It’s a lighthearted escape from the stress of his job, and as Uvesh jokingly puts it, “I would rather be working in the ICU than thinking about all these captions and dressing [Benson] up and getting the perfect picture.”

Join the thousands of fans already following Benson’s journey and get a glimpse into the life of a celebrity cat

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