Rusty’s Rescue: A Call for Support from Animals & Us Fujairah

In the scorching heat of a day that seemed never-ending, a call for rescue reached the compassionate team at Animals & Us Fujairah. Their hearts sank upon hearing about a severely injured dog in desperate need of help.

Rusty, as they would later call him, was struggling to walk, and his open wounds left him in excruciating pain. The situation was dire, and there was no time to spare.

A dedicated individual rescuer had stumbled upon Rusty, but the injuries were too severe for them to act alone. With temperatures soaring, the team knew they couldn’t leave him there, risking heatstroke that could prove fatal within hours. There was no other option—Rusty needed immediate assistance.

Michelle, a tireless member of Animals & Us, had already spent the entire night rescuing other dogs in distress when the call about Rusty came in. Despite her exhaustion, she couldn’t ignore the plea for help.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she set off to aid this poor, injured boy. But the weight of the mission was immense. How could one woman bear the burden of so many innocent lives in peril?

Rusty was not alone in his suffering. In the same night, Animals & Us had rescued nine other dogs, including vulnerable pups and an injured mother. Their work was relentless, and the urgency to save lives was at an all-time high. Michelle hadn’t slept a wink, yet her unwavering commitment propelled her to drive nearly an hour to Rusty’s location.

Now, thanks to the dedication of Animals & Us and the rescuer community, Rusty is on his way to the vet, where he will receive the care he so desperately needs. His journey to recovery has only just begun, but the road ahead is long and challenging.

The truth is, Animals & Us Fujairah is facing a crisis. The number of rescues is escalating, and their resources are stretched thin. The weight of their compassionate mission to protect innocent lives is taking its toll. They need your support now more than ever.

How You Can Help

  • Direct Support to the Vet: Your contributions directly to the vet will make a significant difference in Rusty’s treatment. Please use Client ID 16963 when making your donation at
  • Food Vouchers: Purchase a food voucher to provide nourishment and sustenance to rescued animals. You can buy a voucher at
  • Monthly Subscription: Consider a monthly subscription of 200AED to offer ongoing support to the animals in need. Your recurring sponsorship at will make a lasting impact.

As the rescues continue and the days grow more challenging, Rusty and his companions need your compassion and generosity. Your support not only saves lives but also brings hope and healing to innocent souls who have endured unthinkable hardship. Together, we can be the lifeline they need and ensure that Animals & Us Fujairah can continue their vital work in protecting and caring for these vulnerable animals.

Please help Rusty and his furry friends. Your kindness can make all the difference.

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