Want to Reduce Problem Behaviors in Your Dog? Give Mental Enrichment

We are often confused to observe troublesome behaviors in our dogs. These can include barking, chewing, and digging. However, want to know what the key is? It’s mental enrichment.

There isn’t a set amount of mental exercise that you need to give your dog every day, but generally, our pawsome friends need more than what we are giving them. 

Let’s take a look at a few mental enrichment ideas. 


  1. Rolled up towel

This is a simple yet engaging game. 

Step # 1: Find a towel or shirt that you don’t mind getting dirty or destroyed

Step # 2: Spread 10 to 20 treats in the towel

Step # 3: Roll up the towel and twist the ends

Step # 4: Release your dog to let them move the towel around and hunt for all of the treats

  1. Hide and Seek 

This is a mental enrichment game that doesn’t include any food or treats.

Step # 1: Pick your dog’s favorite toy

Step # 2: Get your dog to stay and go hide their toy

Step # 3: Release your dog to go find the toy

Tip: Start simple so that your dog feels confident and understands the game before it gets difficult. 

  1. Box of enrichment

Step # 1: Get a box and place treats and toys in that box

Step # 2: Release your dog to search through the box and get all the toys and treats

Important note: Remember to monitor your dog so that they don’t chew up or swallow the box

Happy times enriching your dog mentally!

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