Raising a Puppy Star

Step-by-step guide to raising a puppy that's a star in your eyes and in the eyes of others.

Introduction to Puppy Training

  • What is puppy training and why is it important?
  • The benefits of training your puppy early
  • How to set yourself up for success

Basic Obedience Training

  • The importance of teaching your puppy basic obedience commands
  • How to teach your puppy to sit, stay, come, and down
  • Tips for training your puppy to walk on a leash

House Training and Crate Training

  • The basics of house training your puppy
  • How to use a crate to aid in house training
  • Common challenges and solutions for house training

Socialization and Puppy Playtime

  • The importance of socializing your puppy
  • How to safely introduce your puppy to new people and environments
  • Tips for engaging your puppy in positive playtime