Tag: Puppies

Puppies in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, RAK, Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain, Ajman, and Fujairah in UAE.

Jun 05
Adoption & Pet-friendly Events Happening in the UAE

Looking to relax with some yoga alongside your furry friend? Or are you considering adopting a new family member? Various pet adoption events are happening this weekend and a special dog reading session for kids! Pet Adoption Day Shelter Doggy Walk Lazy Doga Adoption & Foster Event Adoption & Foster Day Reading with Dogs For […]

Jan 16
8 Reasons Why You Should Adopt Your Next Dog

‘Adopt, Don’t Shop’ is a popular phrase that’s getting more and more recognition and acknowledgement lately. We are listing a few reasons why you should adopt your next dog There are millions of strayed cats and dogs that are surviving to live off the streets and that number rises whenever people decide to buy from […]

Jan 16
5 Ways your Pet Can Improve Your Mental Health and Wellbeing

Whether you choose a cat or dog or even choose to raise both and no matter what type of dog breed you decide is best for you, pets pet can be a great source of comfort for their owners. Many of us, however, remain ignorant of the physical and mental health advantages that can often […]

Jan 15
5 Ways Your Pet Can Help With Your Stress

We all know that our pets are always happy to see us; after all we are their main provider and the center of their universe. However, research has found that our bodies naturally respond to our pets as well. Our little furry friends have been found to help reduce our levels of stress and improve […]

Jan 15
5 Types of Dog Food You Must Keep Away From Your Dog

There are a lot of things that worry dog owners especially new ones but one thing that concerns them the most is what type of dog food to provide to their new best friend? The tricky thing is that most dogs will eat anything they find lying on the ground. They have no filter of […]

Jan 15
6 Things You Need To Know Before Getting a Dog

A lot of people hesitate before welcoming a new dog into their home. The responsibilities that come with a dog shouldn’t be taken lightly and new pet owners should do thorough research to make sure they’re ready to take on that sort of commitment. After settling on getting a dog, and doing your research on […]

Jan 15
4 Reasons Why Two Dogs Are Better Than One

It’s true that all enthusiastic pet owners catch themselves at least once contemplating getting a new furry friend.Sometimes, they want to own a more diverse spectrum of animals and try to raise a cat and a dog in the same household especially if they were also cat lovers that never could choose a team in […]

Nov 23
Benefits of having a Pеt at Hоmе?

Thеrе іѕ no dеnуіng that having a pet at home is great for kids аnd аdultѕ alike. Bеѕіdеѕ being mеrе соmраnіоnѕ, pets hаvе ѕhоwn іnсrеаѕіng ѕсіеntіfіс ѕhrеdѕ оf еvіdеnсе tо prove that thеу hеlр kеер thеіr owners fіt and hеаlthу. Some people thіnk thаt hаvіng pets аt hоmе mаkеѕ kіdѕ and еldеrѕ prone tо аllеrgіеѕ […]