Category: Training

Dog training in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Ajman and Umm Al Quwain

Jun 29
Pawsychology Center: The First Dog Psychology Center in the UAE

At Petwithit, we’re excited to introduce you to Pawsychology Center, a unique facility where no dog is turned away. They specialize in rehabilitating all behavioral issues and helping dogs become well-adjusted, happy members of the family. More Than Just Dog Training; They Coach Dog Owners Conveniently located in Jebel Ali, away from the bustling streets […]

Jun 23
How to Make Your Dog Calm, Social, and Happy: Expert Tips from Pets & Paws

As pet owners, we all want our dogs to be calm, social, and happy. Achieving this requires more than just affection—it involves structured training and consistent routines. At Pets & Paws, their expert trainers provide insights into creating a well-behaved and contented pet through their comprehensive training programs. Creating a Safe and Structured Schedule A […]

Jun 08
How Much Does Dog Training Cost in Dubai?

If you’re a proud pup parent looking to enhance your furry friend’s behavior, you’ve come to the right place. Training your dog is more than just teaching them tricks; it builds a strong bond between you and your canine companion while ensuring their safety and happiness in the bustling city of Dubai. Let’s delve into […]

Mar 28
How to Train Your Dog to Welcome a Newborn Baby

Welcoming a new baby into your home is an exciting time, but it can also be a big adjustment for your dog. As you prepare to expand your pack, it’s essential to train your dog to welcome a newborn baby with open paws. Training your dog to welcome a newborn baby is not only important […]

Dec 11
How to Introduce Your Dog to a New Pet Sitter or Boarding

As loving pet owners, we understand how important it is to find a reliable caregiver for our furry friends when we can’t be with them. Whether you’re going on vacation or just need a pet sitter to watch over your pup during the day, it’s crucial to ensure they feel comfortable and safe in their […]

Dec 01
Managing Dog Barking with The Thank You Protocol

Unleash the peace and quiet you’ve been longing for in your home with a simple yet powerful solution: The dog barking Thank You Protocol. Are you tired of constant barking from your furry friend, driving you to the edge of sanity? We dive deep into understanding why dogs bark in the first place and explore […]

Sep 26
Dog Etiquette 101: A Guide to Responsible Dog Waste Management

As pet owners, it’s our duty to ensure that our furry friends are not just well-behaved companions but also respectful members of the community. And what better way to start than by tackling a topic that can sometimes be, well, a bit messy – dog waste management! Properly handling and disposing of your pup’s poop […]

Sep 26
Ensure Your Dog Enjoys a Car Ride

Many dog owners face challenges when it comes to traveling with their pets in the car. We talk about valuable tips and insights to help you create a positive connection between your dog and the car. From training techniques to necessary supplies and precautions for safe travel, we’ve got you covered.  The Importance of a […]

Sep 26
At What Age Do Dogs Reach Mental Maturity?

If you’ve ever wondered at what age do dogs Reach Mental Maturity then you’re in the right place. Understanding when dogs reach mental maturity is not only intriguing but can also help us better understand and meet their needs throughout different stages of their lives. Get ready to unlock insights that will deepen your bond […]

Sep 26
A Guide to Help your Leash Reactive Dog

Is your dog leash reactive and agitated whenever you take them for a walk? If so, you’re not alone. Many pet owners struggle with their furry friends displaying leash reactivity. This behavior can be frustrating and even embarrassing at times, but fear not!  In this guide, we will explore the causes of leash reactivity in […]

Aug 02
Improving the Paw-sitive Connection: 10 Don’ts for a Stronger Bond with Your Dog

Are you ready to build Stronger Bond with Your Dog? We all want a stronger connection with our canine companions, filled with love, trust, and endless tail wags. But sometimes, we unintentionally do things that hinder this paw-sitive relationship. Fear not! In this blog post, we’re going to unveil 10 important “don’ts” that will help […]

Aug 01
Understanding Why Your Dog is Scared of Other Dogs

Is your furry friend afraid of other dogs? Does their tail tuck between their legs, ears flatten against their head, and body tremble at the sight of another canine companion? Many dog owners have experienced this fearful behavior in their beloved pets. But why your dog is scared of other dogs? Dog Scared of Other […]

Aug 01
Training Your Dog on Leave It Command Step by Step

Are you tired of your canine companion getting into things they shouldn’t? Have you ever wished there was a way to Training Your Dog on Leave It Command to leave certain items alone? Well, look no further because we’ve got just the solution for you – the powerful “Leave It” command! We will show you […]

Aug 01
Sandy Paws, Safe Days: Essential Safety Tips for a Dog Beach Day

Ensuring your dog’s safety amidst the water excitement is paramount to creating a truly enjoyable experience for both of you. We’ll walk you through invaluable tips to make your dog beach adventure a worry-free delight. From safeguarding against potential hazards to promoting your pup’s well-being under the sun, get ready to soak up the wisdom […]

Aug 01
From Fear to Fun: 7 Techniques for Helping Your Dog Love Car Journeys

Does your furry friend tremble at the mere sight of a car door? Does their excitement quickly turn into anxiety when it’s time for a road trip? We’ve all been there, struggling to calm our nervous pups while desperately trying to enjoy the journey ourselves. But fear not! We’ll go into the reasons behind your […]

Jul 25
How to Teach Your Dog the Speak Command

Teaching your dog the speak command is not only entertaining, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your pup. We will guide you through the training process step-by-step so that soon enough, your doggo will be able to express themselves in their very own language.  How to Teach Your Dog the Speak Command […]

Jun 29
How to Train a Rescue Dog

Bringing a rescue dog into your home can be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever have. Understanding how to train a rescue dog requires patience, consistency and understanding. We’ll go over how to train your rescue pup from basic obedience all the way up to advanced techniques that will help them become well-behaved […]

May 28
Crate Training an Old Dog: What You Need to Know

Crate training is a behavioral management technique that can help improve the behavior of dogs by providing them with a safe and comfortable space of their own. We talk dive into why crate training an old dog is important, when to start it, and provide tips for successfully crate training an older dog. Why dog […]

May 25
Guide on How to Puppy Potty Training

One of the biggest challenges new puppy owners face is puppy potty training. But don’t worry, with a little patience and consistency, you can potty train your puppy in just 7 days! Get ready to say goodbye to accidents on your carpets and hello to a well-trained pup! Supplies You’ll Need for Potty Training Before […]

May 17
A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Teach a Dog to Fetch

How to Teach a Dog to Fetch Have you ever wished that your furry friend could bring back the ball you threw just like in those cute dog movies? Fetch is a classic game that dogs love to play, and it can be an excellent way to bond with your pet while also providing them […]

May 08
Building a Strong Foundation: The 10 Essential Puppy Training Skills

Puppies are adorable, playful bundles of joy that capture our hearts in an instant. But as much fun as they are to cuddle with and watch frolic around the house, puppy training and raising a happy and healthy pup requires more than just love and attention. Whether you’re a first-time pet parent or an experienced […]

Apr 23
How to Train Your Dog to Use Dog Buttons

Imagine having a conversation with your dog and understanding their thoughts, needs, and wants. Well, the good news is that it’s now possible! Thanks to the dog buttons “button training” technique, dogs can communicate using buttons that represent different words or commands. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can teach your dog to […]

Apr 17
 How to Teach Your Dog to Use Dog Steps

Do you have a furry friend that struggles to climb up onto the couch or bed or maybe they are getting older and need a little extra help navigating Dog Steps? Whatever the reason may be, teaching your pet to use dog steps can be an incredibly helpful and rewarding experience for both you and […]

Mar 21
Should You Talk to Your Dog

Dogs really are man’s best friend, and not just because they’re cute and cuddly. These loyal companions have a lot more going on upstairs than most people give them credit for, which is why you should talk to your dog. So, whether you’re looking for a deeper bond with your four-legged pal or just want […]

Mar 21
Do dogs get jealous?

Jealousy is a complex emotion that has long been attributed to humans. But have you ever wondered if our furry friends also experience this feeling? Can dogs get jealous too?  As pet owners, we often see them react in certain ways when they perceive a threat to their attention or belongings. We delve into the […]

Mar 19
Reactive Dog Training Games You Need to Try

As dog owners, it can be a challenging task to deal with a reactive dog. If your furry friend reacts to certain stimuli, such as loud noises or other dogs, it can be tough to keep them calm and focused. However, there are many reactive dog training games that you can try to help your […]

Jan 06
9 Fun Outdoor Games for Dogs

We know why you’re here – because you care enough about your dog – it’s your family. Outdoor games for dogs improve your dog’s behavior and mental stimulation while keeping him entertained. Not only will you learn what these outdoor games are, but you’ll also learn how to play them properly. Top Outdoor Games for […]

Dec 31
Keep your Pets Entertained While You’re at Work

Being a pet parent is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. But there are times when leaving a pet home alone while you’re at work can be difficult and stressful. So every pet owner need to know how to Keep your Pets Entertained While You’re at Work No one wants to have an […]

Dec 27
Dog Training in Dubai

Dog training in Dubai is important for a number of reasons. It helps to establish a positive and healthy relationship between a dog and its owner, as well as between the dog and other people and animals. Training can also help to prevent behavior problems and keep dogs safe by teaching them basic obedience commands […]

Sep 28
Keep Your Dog Safe at Dog Parks

Dog parks provide a place for our furrbabies to socialize and enjoy playtime with our doggies. However, there are some risks involved and this is how to keep your dog safe at dog parks. One of the most common risks is that your dog might get injured by another dog or person. There is also […]

Sep 28
What You Should Know About Dog Howls

Did you know that the dog howls are one of the most popular sounds in the animal kingdom? Dogs use their howls to communicate with other canines, to announce their presence to humans, and to express a range of emotions. So if you’re ever feeling down and want to reach out to your canine friends, […]

Sep 14
What to know: Leaving your Dog at Home

We all got work, errands and other stuff that need to attend that might needs us leaving your dog at home. But have you ever wondered how long can we leave or doggos at home?  If you are going to leave your dog alone for an extended period of time, it is important to follow […]

Aug 10
What You Need to Know About Reactive Dogs

Reactive dogs are not necessarily aggressive. They are just responding to a stimulus in their environment. In this blog, we tackle about how to respond to reactive dogs and better understand them. What does reactive dogs mean? The term “reactive dog” is often used to describe a dog who is displaying aggression or fear, but […]

Apr 28
Why It’s Important To Socialize Your Dog

An important part of pet ownership is to socialize your dog – it helps them develop confidence, learn skills and have a better understanding of the world.  Why Socializing your Dog is Important One of the best ways to ensure your dog’s safety is to socialize them. Socializing your dog means exposing them to a […]

Apr 10
How to Break Up a Dog Fight – Safe and Effective Way

Learning how to break up a dog fight is not only one of the many skills that dog owners need, but it is a skill that needs to be practiced often. Here, the focus is on dog fights in different households, but many of the principles can apply to multi-dog homes. In dog fights, there’s […]

Apr 10
Common Mistakes in Dog Training and How to Fix Them

If you want to train your dog, understanding common mistakes that people make is key. Dog training can be difficult, but understanding these few wrongs will get you one step closer to a well-behaved pup. These are the common mistakes that we may have gone through, and ways to fix them! WAITING TOO LONG TO […]

Apr 03
Cue Vs Command for Dogs

How do the words we use in dog training matter? In this blog, we break down how the distinction between cue and command for dogs and ultimately the positive benefits on your dog’s behavior. Thoughts to words. Dog training depends on communicating and building a relationship with your dog. It is important to remember as […]

Apr 03
Everything You Need to Know about Dog Zoomies

Dogs often come home from being walked feeling excited.  It turns out, the dog zoomies are likely because they are bored or feel confined. Even after spending time walking with my dogs, I will come home and think that they are going to be exhausted. Instead, they go crazy on the couch. WHAT ARE DOG […]

Apr 03
Different Ways Dog Show You Love

There are many ways to show love to your dog. Among these are kisses, belly rubs, ear scratches, and snuggling. But did you know your dog shows it to you too? We talk a lot about how dogs communicate with humans and each other, but we haven’t touched on how dogs show affection and love. […]

Mar 27
Does Your Dog Cry When Left Alone

It can be hard when your dog cry when left alone begging you to stay at home. They use expressive eyes and start crying when left alone. Most of us find it very difficult not to do what they want. Although it may seem like something is wrong from time to time, often we’re just […]

Mar 27
Signs That Your Dog Needs Extra Training

While our pups are all head over heels about us, it’s always a different matter when it comes to someone or something else. To avoid issues and complicate any issues in the long run, it’ll be best to get on with some additional dog training. Here are a few signs that can help assess if […]

Mar 27
101 Puppy Training: Top Training Tips For Your New Dog

As a pawparent, it’s exciting, but also overwhelming bringing our new pups in their now home. There will be a lot questions on the know how and what to do. To help you learn more about puppy training and provide many tips for new owners we will go various topics. Tips For Puppy Training 1. […]

Mar 26
How to Teach Your Dog to Crawl

It’s always fun teaching your furbabies new tricks in return for those treats, and age doesn’t matter when it comes to learning. With Crawl, it’s best trick to teach your dog especially when you’ve already nailed the basics. When they have a good grip on the command “down” crawling is just a few more treats […]

Mar 26
Training Your Dog To Meet Strangers

Having a new dog is exciting but training your dog to meet strangers requires effort and time. Being a proud dog pawrent, it’s impossible to resist showing them off, may it be to family, friends, social media, and even to strangers we may meet on our daily walks with our pup. Yes, this is exciting, […]

Mar 20
What to know when looking for a dog trainer in UAE

With busy schedules, sometimes it’s hard to train our dogs ourselves, especially if you are a new pet parent. Here is where a dog trainer comes into the picture; whether you choose them to be trained by having them go to classes or arrange private sessions in which you can both do it together to […]

Mar 20
Moving to a Villa With Your Dog in Dubai

Moving takes a whole different toll on us, what more from our pets? As we shift to a new environment adjusting is a whole different story. If you are shifting to an entirely different area with your dog in Dubai, this would feel so new and different that your pet might need some time to […]

Mar 05
Dog Training Essentials

Dog training is important when you are a furparent; regardless of the age of your pup. You can teach them new tricks or just refresh those that they already know. We are listing below some of the tools that will help you with the journey of training your dog: Training bag Training Clicker  Training pads […]

Mar 05
Dog Potty Training at Home

Having a new pup means there are a lot of things that you have to prepare and consider, and one of those is potty training. After all, having a canine friend is a little more than just bringing a new puppy home, it is also making sure that they are healthy and happy.  Here are […]

Dec 08
Does Your Dog Eat Poop? Here’s How to Stop Them

We know this topic is a little uncomfortably disgusting, but it does happen. If you are a dog parent or have been one for a while, you know what we are talking about.  “Coprophagia”, is the scientific name for your dog’s poop-eating habit. Interestingly, one in six dogs is classified as serious poop eaters. Before […]

Dec 08
Guide to Road Trip with Your Dog

If you are a dog parent, you probably are aware of the struggles that come with traveling with your doggo, especially if it’s a road trip with your dog. Long drives can tire humans out, and dogs are no exception.  However, we want to make your road trip experiences with your dog more pleasant, so […]

Dec 08
What is Your Dog Trying to Tell You? Basics of Dog Body Language

If you could have one superpower in the world, what would it be? For me, it would be being able to communicate with my dog in one language. However, even though hoomans don’t have such a power, our dogs can still communicate with us, just not with spoken words.  Dogs use their body language to […]

Dec 08
How to Stop Your Dog from Digging

Firstly, remember, digging is a natural behavior shown by dogs. Secondly, it’s perfectly natural to be frustrated if your doggie keeps doing it at home, and possibly ruining the appearance inside your home.  Let’s go over tips on how to minimize digging from your dog. Train and practice to decrease boredom One of the reasons […]

Dec 08
Train Your Dog to Come Every Time When Called

Are you one of those dog parents who are wondering how to train their dog to come every time when called? Well, you are the right place. This post covers everything you need to make sure you dog responds to your call for them.  How to train your dog to come every time when called? […]

Dec 08
How to Train Your Dog to Meet Strangers?

What do you want to do first when you get a pup? Show them off to your family, friends, and Instagram feed? Meeting in person can be tricky for these four-legged bundles of joy. Despite the excitement, you need to be patient to opt for the right way to introduce your dog to others. Let’s […]

Dec 08
3 Reasons Why Dogs Tilt Their Heads

As a dog parent, you must have asked this question a thousand times, “Why does my dog tilt their head when I talk to them?” Well, obviously their cute head tilt melts our hearts, but what are the reasons behind it? Let’s look at a few reasons why your dog might tilt their head.  1. […]

Nov 28
3 Dog Games That You Can Do at Home

Do you ever wonder how much fun it would be to make games for your pawsome little friends yourself? You are at the right place. Here, we have 3 very fun games, that you can set up for your dog at home.  These will help them work on important skills like nose work and problem-solving. […]

Nov 28
Does Your Dog Run Out the Door? Here’s How to Stop Them

Whenever you go to open the door, your dog probably is right there, calculating his moves so he can bolt out. While such behavior is not necessarily harmful, it can be annoying, and even dangerous for your dog, if he runs out on a busy street, etc.  Teach your dog to stop running out the […]

Nov 27
Want to Reduce Problem Behaviors in Your Dog? Give Mental Enrichment

We are often confused to observe troublesome behaviors in our dogs. These can include barking, chewing, and digging. However, want to know what the key is? It’s mental enrichment. There isn’t a set amount of mental exercise that you need to give your dog every day, but generally, our pawsome friends need more than what […]

Nov 27
Want to Find Your Dog’s Currency? Here’s How to Do It

We all like rewards, don’t we? So do dogs. While most of these pawsome animals are fond of treats, some are more attracted to other rewards.  The key is to find the “currency” of your dog, what they find most valuable. It might be a treat, it might be a ball to fetch, or anything […]

Nov 27
Is Your Dog Getting Enough Attention? 6 Signs to Find Out

Who doesn’t love spending time with their fluffy friends? We want to shower them with love and adoration because they deserve enough attention, and so much more. However, in this fast-paced world and our busy schedules, we might not be getting enough time to attend to our dogs.  There is no doubt that these mischievous […]

Nov 19
Is Your Dog Hyper When You Come Home? Try These 3 Tips

Isn’t it a joy when your dog excitedly greets you when you come home after a long tiring day? We all love it, there is no doubt about that. However, hyper welcomes can be chaotic.  Here are 3 tips to make you coming home and meeting your dog a pleasant everyday experience.  1. WATCH YOUR […]

Nov 19
3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Compare Your Dog to Other Dogs

Do you ever wonder why your neighbor’s dog takes commands much better than your dog? Or why your sister’s dog is so good on a leash? All such questions lure you into a trap of comparing your dog to another. You should avoid this at all costs.  There is a high probability that you will […]

Nov 19
Is Your Dog Bored? Here are 3 Things You Can Do Help Them

We all want to see our dogs happy? What if they are bored? That might result in troubling and problematic behaviors. This can include excessive chewing, digging, barking, etc.  Can you keep your dog from getting bored? Yes, absolutely. Let’s look at 3 ways you can achieve this.  1. EXERCISE IN THE MORNING First and […]

Nov 19
Dog Trick Training: 3 Unexpected Benefits

If you are a dog parent, you probably enjoy doing trick training with your dog. I am pretty sure they enjoy it too. While it is an enjoyable time, it also comes with some benefits that will reinforce your love for doing trick training with your dog. Let’s look at those benefits.  One important note: Trick […]

Nov 19
Your Dog Doesn’t Stay? Here are 5 Reasons Why

5 Reasons Your Dog Doesn’t Stay We all like to train our dogs to stay, however, what if they don’t? To get them to respond successfully to the “stay” command, it’s important to understand why they might not be staying in the first place.  Let’s look at a few reasons.  1. They Don’t Understand What […]

Nov 16
Does Your Dog Hate Baths Here are 5 Tips That Will Help

Are you a happy paw parent? Does your dog struggle with having even a semi-decent relationship with baths? If you nodded your head, this post is tailored for you to give you all the guidelines for stress-free dog bathing. While keeping a dog is a pleasure, bath times can prove to be very difficult as […]

Feb 13
The Ultimate Puppy Checklist: What You Need To Get Before Getting a Dog

Getting a dog is one of the best choices you can make. They have the ability to bring so much joy and happiness into your life and researchers has found that they do wonders on your mood and mental health but you should know what you need to get before getting a dog. You might […]

Feb 13
5 Ways to Keep Your House Clean with A Dog

One of the hardest things about being a dog parent is trying to keep your house clean. It can sometimes feel like a continuous struggle and you often find yourself cleaning a mess while another bigger mess is being simultaneously made in another part of the house. There are many things that make keeping your […]

Feb 13
7 Ways to Keep Your Dog Active Inside

Dogs love to go outside and pull us along with them as well. While their long walks and fun playtime sessions in the park are definitely tempting, sometimes the weather is just not on your side so you have to find some ways to keep your dog active inside. Whether it’s too cold or too […]

Feb 10
5 Tips To Keep Your Dog From Destroying Your House While You’re Out

Dogs are always happy to see us when we return from a long day of school or work but unfortunately, they’re equally upset when we leave. Your furry friend is sociable by nature and can’t cope with being alone for a long time. We have got a few Tips To Keep Your Dog From Destroying […]

Feb 10
5 Mental Exercises for Your Dog

Our furry friends are not just beauties, they’re brains as well and it’s your duty as a dog owner to keep that brain sharp and bright by these mental exercises for your dog Physical exercise is commonly preached and it’s a well-known fact that your dog can’t go on without his playtime sessions and his […]

Jan 16
How to Choose the Right Dog Breed for You

New Pet owners are often torn between choosing cats or dogs as their first pet, but once they do they’re met with a new challenge, which is how to choose the right dog breed that suits their personality. It’s true that every dog has its own unique personality, but there are some stereotypes and common […]

Jan 16
House Training vs Training Facility for Dogs

Owning a dog is a great way to have a constant companion; it works wonders in reducing your stress levels and has a direct effect on your mental health. However, there are a lot of responsibilities that come with owning a dog, from planning your pet’s vaccination and finding the best training facility for dogs […]

Dec 23
How to be consistent in training your dog? How to make the time?

Just like anything worthwhile, training your dog takes time and consistency. A lot of people who are raising dogs for the first time find it odd that their dog isn’t learning as fast as they thought. Some are quick to blame it on the dog’s nature while some focus too much on the wrong methodology. […]