Category: Blogs

Pet related blogs for all pet owners in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah, Ajman and Umm Al Quwain

Jul 25
How to Teach Your Dog the Speak Command

Teaching your dog the speak command is not only entertaining, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your pup. We will guide you through the training process step-by-step so that soon enough, your doggo will be able to express themselves in their very own language.  How to Teach Your Dog the Speak Command […]

Jul 25
Choosing the Right Cat Leash

Are you tired of your adventurous feline friend constantly slipping out the door and exploring the unknown or perhaps you’re looking for a way to safely introduce your indoor cat to the great outdoors like a cat leash. Whatever the reason, using a cat leash can be a game-changer when it comes to keeping tabs […]

Jul 23
Rusty’s Rescue: A Call for Support from Animals & Us Fujairah

In the scorching heat of a day that seemed never-ending, a call for rescue reached the compassionate team at Animals & Us Fujairah. Their hearts sank upon hearing about a severely injured dog in desperate need of help. Rusty, as they would later call him, was struggling to walk, and his open wounds left him […]

Jul 22
Supporting Sal: A Puppy with a Fractured Leg Needs Your Help!

Meet Sal, a brave puppy who was born on the tough and perilous streets of Mussafah. Alongside his six siblings, he struggled to survive in the harsh environment until a group of compassionate volunteers from the Mussafah Dog Project stepped in to care for them. However, their joy was tempered by the discovery that Sal […]

Jul 22
Support Animal Welfare with Preloved Books at Reading4Animals Event

Are you a book lover who also cares deeply for our furry friends? Then mark your calendars for a heartwarming event that combines the joy of reading with the act of supporting animal welfare. Reading4Animals presents a unique concept where book enthusiasts can give a loving home to preloved books while making a significant contribution […]

Jul 19
8 Pet Events in Dubai this Weekend

Make a difference by opening your heart and home to a furry companion at pet adoption events Experience the purest form of love as you find your perfect match. This long weekend is all about having fun with your furry friends and embracing the love and joy that pets bring into our lives.  1- Adoption […]

Jul 17
A Guide to Starting Your Own Freshwater Fish Aquarium

This comprehensive guide will help you start or expand your freshwater fish aquarium. It covers everything from choosing the right tank and fish to maintaining water chemistry and creating a beautiful landscape. Get started today and enjoy a tranquil, wonder-filled hobby! If you’ve ever been to a pet store, you’ve probably seen fish tanks filled […]

Jul 17
Growing Grass for Cats

You may have noticed your furry feline nibbling on blades of grass from time to time. But have you ever wondered why they do this? And more importantly, how can you provide grass for your cats and provide them with a safe and enjoyable grass-eating experience? We’ll explore the reasons behind why cats eat grass […]

Jul 17
Beyond Cats and Dogs: Diving into the World of Exotic Pets

A world beyond the ordinary, where furry companions come in all shapes, sizes, and species! Step into the extraordinary realm of exotic pets —a vibrant community that challenges societal norms and opens our eyes to captivating diversity. From slithering snakes to colorful parrots, mischievous monkeys to elegant lizards. So fasten your seatbelts as we dive […]

Jul 17
How to Deal with Hamster Bite

If you’re a hamster owner, you know that these tiny furballs can bring endless joy and entertainment to your life. However, there may come a time when your furry friend decides to give you a not-so-friendly love nip by a hamster bite We talk about the reasons why hamsters bite, how to stop them from […]

Jul 17
Breaking News: Aurora Found and Safely Reunited with Her Family After 3 Weeks

After an intense search and with the collective efforts of the community, we are thrilled to announce that Aurora, the missing dog from Animals and Us, Fujairah, has been found and safely reunited with her loving family. We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated in the search efforts, including all those who helped […]

Jul 13
UAE Pet Parents Weekly Guide

It’s time to turn up the heat on the fun with your four-legged companions! We’ve curated a sizzling collection of tips, ideas, and activities for UAE pet parents that will make this summer the best one yet for you and your pets. Stay tuned as we unveil a summer full of exciting adventures you won’t […]

Jul 13
Your Pet Can Now Fly with You on a Private Jet!

Exciting news for pet owners and travel enthusiasts! K9 JETS has just announced their exclusive flights between Dubai and London, opening up a whole new world of possibilities for you and your furry companions. ✈️ Picture this: Monday, 25th September, 9 am, you and your pup soaring through the skies from Farnborough to Dubai. And […]

Jul 12
Everything you need to know about Persian Cats

These majestic felines have captured the hearts of cat lovers around the globe with their striking looks and gentle demeanor. Whether you’re already a proud owner of Persian cats or simply curious about this captivating breed, we’ve got you covered.  We’ll delve into everything you need to know about Persian cats – from their fascinating […]

Jul 12
How Sphynx Cats Make Remarkable Pets

If you’re on a quest for a unique companion that will not only turn heads but also fill your life with endless affection, then look no further. Sphynx Cats are far from ordinary pets – they are extraordinary beings that redefine what it means to be a remarkable companion. Sphynx cats are one of the […]

Jul 12
Maine Coon Cats: Gentle Giants of the Feline World

If you’re a cat lover searching for a majestic and lovable companion, then Maine Coon Cats are sure to steal your heart. With their impressive size, enchanting looks, and endearing personalities, Maine Coon cats have gained a well-deserved reputation as one of the most beloved breeds in the world. We talk about what makes Maine […]

Jul 12
How to Stop Feather Plucking in your Pet Bird?

Feathers are an integral part of a pet bird beauty, and overall well-being. So it can be quite distressing to witness our beloved feathered friends engaging in the troubling behavior of feather plucking. Feather plucking, also known as feather picking or feather damaging behavior, can leave our pets looking disheveled and vulnerable. But fear not! […]

Jul 12
Why Pet Hamsters Make Great Companions

If you’re considering adding a furry friend to your family, look no further than pet hamsters. These pint-sized companions may be small in stature, but they pack a whole lot of love and entertainment into their tiny bodies. We go through why hamsters make great companions and provide you with all the information you need […]

Jul 12
Discovering the Friendly Personality of Scottish Fold Cats

Are you looking for a purrfect pet companion that will melt your heart with their adorable looks and warm personality? Look no further than Scottish Fold cats! With their unique folded ears and friendly demeanor, these feline friends are sure to steal your heart in an instant. Unravel the secrets behind the enchanting charm of […]

Jul 12
Events to Adopt a Dog in Dubai

As the summer heat intensifies, so does the influx of pets in shelters desperately seeking refuge. It’s during this peak time that our community can make a significant impact. By opening your heart and home to foster or adopt a dog in Dubai, you become their saving grace in the scorching months ahead.  Bring coolness […]

Jul 12
The Importance of Cat Ear Cleaning

If you’re a proud feline owner, then you know just how curious and mischievous these little furballs can be. With their keen senses and inquisitive nature, cats rely heavily on their ears to navigate the world around them. That’s why cat ear cleaning is crucial for us as pet parents. We talk about why cats […]

Jul 12
7 Air-Purifying Pet Friendly Plants that are Safe for Your Dogs

As a pet parent, we also value clean and purified surroundings. We all know that plants bring life and beauty into our homes, but did you know that pet friendly plants can also act as natural air purifiers? We’ll take about gorgeous green companions that not only enhance your space but are completely safe for […]

Jul 12
Top Pet Relocation Services in Dubai

Moving from and to Dubai is an exciting adventure, but when you have furry friends in tow, it can become quite the challenge. Ensuring their safety and comfort during the pet relocation process is of utmost importance. That’s where pet relocation services come in! We’ll explore some of the top pet relocation services in Dubai […]

Jul 12
What Is A Starbucks Puppuccino? How to Make One at Home

If you’re a dog owner and a coffee enthusiast, then get ready to discover a delightful treat that’ll have your four-legged friend wagging their tail with joy. We’re talking about none other than the legendary Starbucks Puppuccino! This pup-friendly concoction has been making tails wag and tongues slurp for years, but what exactly is it? […]

Jul 12
15 Pet Supplies on Amazon Prime Day that are too good to pass

Attention dog owners! Get ready for an exciting shopping extravaganza because Amazon Prime Day is here, and it’s time to pamper your furry friends like never before with these pet supplies on Amazon Prime Day. As proud dog parents, we know that finding the best pet supplies can sometimes be a challenge. But fear not! […]

Jul 06
Our Weekly Dose of Pet News in the UAE

Let’s rewind and celebrate an amazing week packed with all things pets! From captivating pet news to thrilling pet-friendly adventures, it was a whirlwind of excitement. Dive into the latest updates and unlock a treasure trove of remarkable destinations to venture to with your four-legged companions. Get ready to create unforgettable memories together! Is it […]

Jul 05
Amazing Weekly Pet Events in Dubai

Encounter a lovable bunch of pets eagerly seeking their forever homes in the pet events in Dubai. Whether you’re drawn to playful pups or cuddly older doggies, these furry friends have an abundance of love to share. By embracing a deserving pet into your home, you not only transform their world but also enrich your […]

Jul 03
Join the Search to Find Aurora

Aurora, a sweet dog from Animals and Us, Fujairah has been missing for more than a week. Despite relentless efforts, she remains separated from her loving foster home. We need your help now more than ever to bring her back safely.  Sightings and Search Area Aurora was last seen in Town Square, near Afro Pets, […]

Jun 30
جرو هسكي: الكلب الجميل والمغامر

جرو هسكي هو كلب فريد وجميل يتميز بشعره الكثيف وعيونه الزرقاء الجميلة. إنه نشيط ومغامر، ويعتبر خيارًا رائعًا لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن كلب يتمتع بروح حرة ومرحة. في هذا المقال، سنستكشف عالم جرو الهسكي، بدءًا من سماته الفريدة وصولاً إلى العناية المناسبة والأسئلة الشائعة حوله. سمات جرو هسكي 1. شعر كثيف ومذهل جرو هسكي يتمتع […]

Jun 30
جرو جولدن: الكلب الذهبي الرائع

جرو جولدن هو نوع من الكلاب الرائعة والمحبوبة في جميع أنحاء العالم. إنه كلب ذكي وودود ومفعم بالحيوية، مما يجعله رفيقًا مثاليًا للعائلات والأفراد على حد سواء. في هذا المقال، سنتعرف على جرو جولدن بشكل أفضل، بدءًا من صفاته البارزة وحتى طرق تربيته والعناية به. استعد لاكتشاف العالم الذهبي لجرو جولدن! المظهر الخارجي ل جرو […]

Jun 30
سمك ماكريل: التعريف والسمات الرئيسية

في عالم الأسماك البحرية، يعتبر سمك ماكريل واحدة من الأنواع الشائعة والمعروفة جيدًا. يتميز هذا النوع من الأسماك بسماته المميزة وقدرته على البقاء في المياه العميقة والتحرك بسرعة كبيرة. سنستكشف في هذا المقال السمات الرئيسية لسمكة الماكريل وفوائدها الصحية واستخداماتها المختلفة في العالم. توزيع سمك الماكريل تنتشر سمكة الماكريل في المحيطات العالمية، خاصةً في المياه […]

Jun 29
سمكة الانقليس: نظرة شاملة على هذا الكائن البحري

تُعد سمكة الانقليس (Anchovy) من أشهر أنواع الأسماك البحرية في العالم. تتميز بحجمها الصغير وشكلها النحيف، وتعتبر جزءًا هامًا من سلسلة الغذاء البحري. في هذا المقال، سنلقي نظرة عامة على سمك الانقليس، وميزاتها، واستخداماتها، والتحذيرات المتعلقة بها. تصنيف سمكة الانقليس تتبع سمكة الانقليس تحت عائلة “انقليسيداي” (Engraulidae)، وتتواجد بكثرة في المحيطات العالمية، خاصة في المياه […]

Jun 29
سمكة البيرانا: نظرة عامة على هذا الكائن الرائع

تعتبر سمكة البيرانا (Piranha) من بين أكثر الأسماك المثيرة والمخيفة في عالم المياه العذبة. تشتهر بأسنانها الحادة وقدرتها على التهام الفرائس بسرعة. في هذه المقالة، سنلقي نظرة عامة على سمكة البيرانا وميزاتها الفريدة وسلوكها والتحذيرات المتعلقة بها. تصنيف سمكة البيرانا تتبع سمكة البيرانا تحت فصيلة “سيراسالميداي” (Serrasalmidae) وتنتمي إلى عائلة السلمون (Salmonidae). وتشمل الأنواع المعروفة […]

Jun 29
سمكة زينة: إلقاء نظرة شاملة على هذا الكائن البحري الجميل

تُعد سمكة الزينة (Ornamental Fish) من بين أكثر الكائنات البحرية المحبوبة والمرغوبة في عالم الحيوانات الأليفة. إنها تتمتع بألوانها الزاهية وأشكالها الجميلة، مما يجعلها قطعًا فنية حية تضفي جمالًا وسحرًا على أحواض الماء في المنازل والأماكن العامة. في هذه المقالة، سنستكشف معًا عالم سمكة الزينة وسحرها وأهميتها في عالم الزراعة البحرية. تصنيف سمكة زينة تتبع […]

Jun 29
سمكة التونة: معلومات شاملة عن هذا الكائن البحري المدهش

تُعتبر سمكة التونة (Tuna) واحدة من أكثر الأسماك البحرية شهرةً وشهيةً حول العالم. إنها تتمتع بمكانة هامة في الصيد البحري وتُعتبر مصدرًا قيمًا للغذاء والثروة السمكية. يمتاز سمك التونة بسرعتها وقوتها وقدرتها على السباحة على مسافات طويلة. في هذه المقالة، سنكتشف سويًا جوانب سمك التونة وأهميتها في عالم البحار. تصنيف سمكة التونة تتبع سمك التونة […]

Jun 29
سمكة الأرنب: كل ما تحتاج معرفته عن هذا النوع المدهش

تُعد سمكة الأرنب (Rabbitfish) نوعًا فريدًا من الأسماك البحرية المذهلة والتي تثير إعجاب الكثيرين بجمالها وألوانها الزاهية. إنها تشتهر بشكلها الغريب وتصميمها الفريد الذي يشبه الأرنب. تعيش سمكة الأرنب في المحيطات الاستوائية والمرجانية، وتتميز بسلوكها الهادئ والودود. في هذه المقالة، سنستكشف معًا جمال وخصائص سمك الأرنب. خصائص سمكة الأرنب تتميز سمكة الأرنب بعدة خصائص مميزة، […]

Jun 29
سمك موسى: المعلومات والتوجيهات لتربيته

تعد سمك موسى (Mullet Fish) أحد أنواع الأسماك البحرية الشائعة والمحبوبة لدى العديد من عشاق الأسماك. إنها تتميز بجسمها الأطول من الأسماك الأخرى وجمال تصميمها. تربى سمكة موسى في الأحواض المائية والمزارع السمكية وتعتبر مصدرًا مهمًا للغذاء والاقتصاد في بعض المناطق. في هذه المقالة، سنقدم لك المعلومات الشاملة حول سمكة موسى ونوجهك لتربيتها بنجاح. أجزاء […]

Jun 29
سمكة القرش: كل ما تريد معرفته

مرحبًا بك في عالم مثير من سمكة القرش الرائعة. تعتبر سمكة القرش مخلوقًا مذهلاً أسر قلوب البشر لقرون. من حجمها المدهش إلى غرائزها الفتاكة التي لا مثيل لها، تستمر سمكة القرش في إثارة الإعجاب والتساؤل لدى الباحثين والجمهور على حد سواء. في هذا المقال الشامل، سنغوص في عالم ساحر يضم القرش، حيث سنستكشف أنواعها المتنوعة […]

Jun 29
How to Train a Rescue Dog

Bringing a rescue dog into your home can be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever have. Understanding how to train a rescue dog requires patience, consistency and understanding. We’ll go over how to train your rescue pup from basic obedience all the way up to advanced techniques that will help them become well-behaved […]

Jun 29
Over 200 Dogs Unite to Celebrate Man’s 100th Birthday

Imagine the sheer delight of celebrating your 100th birthday surrounded by a legion of adorable dogs wagging their tails and showering you with love. That’s exactly what happened to Dr. Robert Moore of San Jose, who, as a passionate dog lover, had a unique birthday wish. Little did he know that his simple request would […]

Jun 29
Pet Events in UAE in July

Step into a world of heart-melting cuteness as you meet adorable pets yearning for a place to call their own at these pet events in UAE. From energetic and playful pups to snuggly older doggies, these four-legged companions are overflowing with love to give. By opening your heart and home to a deserving pet, you […]

Jun 29
Bird Grooming in Dubai: Find Bird Groomers in Dubai

Proper bird grooming is crucial for the health and well-being of your feathered friend. If you’re a bird owner in Dubai, ensuring your bird receives top-notch grooming services is essential. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of bird grooming, discuss the key aspects of professional bird grooming, and provide a list of […]

Jun 28
Budgeting for Dog Expenses

Are you a pet owner who wants to ensure your furry friend lives a happy and healthy life? One of the keys to achieving this is by budgeting for dog expenses. From food to vet visits, it’s important to plan ahead so that unexpected costs don’t catch you off guard. But how do you go […]

Jun 28
Is it safe to feed dogs ice cubes?

As the summer heat sets in the UAE, many pet owners are wondering if it’s safe to give dogs ice cubes as a refreshing treat. While some may think that feeding dogs ice is harmless, others believe it can pose potential risks to their health. So, what’s the truth? In this blog post, we’ll dive […]

Jun 27
Finding the Best Bird Cage for Your Feathered Friend

Looking for the best bird cage to provide a safe and comfortable home for your avian companion? Discover our comprehensive guide featuring top-rated bird cages and essential tips for selecting the perfect enclosure. Choosing the right bird cage is crucial for the well-being and happiness of your feathered friend. A high-quality bird cage provides a […]

Jun 27
Best Accessories for Bird Cage

Discover a wide range of essential accessories for bird cage that can elevate your avian companion’s environment. Explore various options such as perches, toys, feeders, and more. Find the perfect accessories to provide enrichment, comfort, and stimulation for your beloved bird. When it comes to creating a comfortable and engaging living space for your feathered […]

Jun 27
Bird Cage Maintenance Guide

Discover essential tips for bird cage maintenance to ensure a clean and healthy living environment for your feathered friend. Learn about proper cleaning techniques, cage hygiene products, and recommended maintenance schedules. Follow this comprehensive bird cage maintenance guide to create a safe and comfortable space for your beloved avian companion. Regular and thorough bird cage […]

Jun 27
Finding the Best Bird Food for Your Bird

Looking for the best bird food to provide optimal nutrition for your avian companions? Explore our comprehensive guide, featuring top-rated bird food products and essential tips for choosing the perfect diet. Providing the best bird food is vital for the health and well-being of your feathered friends. A balanced and nutritious diet ensures optimal feather […]

Jun 27
Choosing the Right Food for Bird: A Comprehensive Guide

Providing your bird with a well-balanced and nutritious diet is essential for its overall health and well-being. With so many options available, selecting the right food for bird can be overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the different types of food for birds and offer valuable insights to help you make informed decisions. […]

Jun 27
How to Store Bird Food: Tips for Maintaining Freshness Bird Food

Properly storing bird food is essential for maintaining its freshness and nutritional value. Whether you buy commercial bird food or make it at home, understanding How to Store Bird Food ensures that your feathered friends receive the highest quality meals. In this blog, we will provide you with valuable tips on how to store bird […]

Jun 27
Homemade Bird Food: Recipes for Birds

Providing homemade bird food is a wonderful way to ensure the well-being of your avian companions while adding a personal touch to their diet. In this blog, we will explore the world of homemade bird food, including the benefits, key ingredients, and simple recipes to create nutritious meals for your feathered friends. By opting for […]

Jun 27
The Ultimate Guide to Bird Food: A Comprehensive Handbook for Bird Nutrition

Providing proper nutrition is crucial for the health and well-being of our feathered friends. In this comprehensive guide to bird food, we will explore the essential aspects of avian nutrition, including the different types of bird food, dietary requirements, and tips for choosing the best options for your feathered companions. Whether you’re a new bird […]

Jun 27
Discover the Best Bird House: Creating a Safe Haven for Feathered Friends

Bird houses serve as vital shelters and nesting spots for our feathered friends. Choosing the best bird house ensures that you create a safe and inviting environment for birds to thrive. In this blog post, we present a carefully curated selection of the best bird houses available. These top picks have been chosen based on […]

Jun 27
Discover the Best Bird Leash for Safe Outdoor Adventures

Looking for the best bird leash to take your feathered friend on outdoor escapades? Explore our top picks for secure and comfortable bird leashes that provide both freedom and safety. Bird enthusiasts know that spending quality time outdoors with their feathered companions is a rewarding experience. To ensure the safety and freedom of your bird […]

Jun 27
Discover the Best Natural and Eco-Friendly Bird Toys

Looking for natural and eco-friendly bird toys to provide your feathered friend with safe and sustainable playtime? Explore our handpicked selection of the best natural and eco-friendly bird toys that promote mental stimulation and environmental consciousness. Click here to find the perfect toys that align with your values and keep your bird entertained! As bird […]

Jun 27
Top 3 Chew Toys for Birds – Enhance Your Feathered Friend’s Playtime!

Birds are intelligent and curious creatures that require mental stimulation and enrichment to thrive. One of the essential ways to provide this is through the use of chew toys for birds. Chew toys not only keep birds entertained but also promote healthy beak maintenance and relieve boredom. In this article, we will introduce you to […]

Jun 27
Bird Species in Dubai: Exploring the Avian Diversity of the Region

Dubai, a city known for its architectural wonders and cosmopolitan ambiance, is also home to a remarkable diversity of bird species in Dubai. Situated at the crossroads of migratory routes and offering a variety of ecosystems, Dubai provides a haven for both resident and migratory birds. In this guide, we will delve into the avian […]

Jun 27
Bird Watching in Dubai: A Paradise for Avian Enthusiasts

Dubai, a city renowned for its modern marvels and vibrant lifestyle, also offers an incredible opportunity of bird watching in Dubai to indulge in their passion. With its diverse ecosystems, ranging from wetlands and mangroves to deserts and mountains, Dubai provides a haven for a wide variety of bird species. Whether you’re a seasoned birder […]

Jun 27
Bird Sanctuaries in Dubai: Discovering Oasis of Avian Serenity

Dubai, known for its dazzling skyline and modern architecture, also hides serene and captivating bird sanctuaries in Dubai that offer a respite from the bustling city life. These sanctuaries serve as havens for a wide variety of bird species, providing them with safe habitats and nurturing environments. Exploring the Serene Bird Sanctuaries in Dubai In […]

Jun 27
Bird Photography in Dubai: Capturing the Majestic Avian Beauty

Dubai, with its diverse avian population and stunning natural landscapes, offers a paradise for bird photography enthusiasts. Whether you’re a professional photographer or a passionate hobbyist, capturing the exquisite beauty and graceful movements of birds in their natural habitats can be an incredibly rewarding and awe-inspiring experience. Exploring the Awe-Inspiring World of Bird Photography in […]

Jun 27
Pet Birds in Dubai: A Comprehensive Guide to Responsible Avian Ownership

If you’ve ever been captivated by the beauty and charm of birds, owning pet birds in Dubai can bring immense joy and fulfillment to your life. Dubai, with its pet-friendly environment and appreciation for diverse animal companions, offers an ideal setting for bird enthusiasts to create lasting bonds with these feathered wonders. Is Owning Birds […]

Jun 27
DIY Bird Toys: Fun and Creative Ideas for Your Feathered Friends

Keeping your feathered friends entertained and mentally stimulated is essential for their overall well-being. Instead of relying solely on store-bought bird toys, why not get creative and make your own? DIY bird toys are not only cost-effective but also allow you to customize toys specifically for your bird’s preferences. In this article, we’ll explore some […]

Jun 27
Top 3 Love Bird Toys for Enriching Your Feathered Friend’s Life

Lovebirds are delightful and affectionate avian companions that thrive on social interaction and mental stimulation. Providing them with suitable love bird toys is essential to keep them entertained, engaged, and mentally stimulated. In this blog post, we will explore the top three love bird toys that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs and […]

Jun 27
Top 5 Bird Toys for Engaging Avian Companions

Birds are intelligent and curious creatures that require mental stimulation and physical exercise to lead healthy and happy lives. Providing them with suitable bird toys is essential to keep them engaged and entertained. In this article, we will explore five different types of bird toys that are designed to meet the needs of various bird […]

Jun 24
Saving Lives, One Paw at a Time: Help Animals and Us Fujairah Shelter in Their Struggle

At Animals and Us Fujairah Shelter in UAE, the situation is critical. The shelter is inundated with calls for rescue every single day, and they are facing immense challenges in caring for the growing number of stray dogs in their care. It’s a matter of life and death, with puppies disappearing daily or facing worse […]

Jun 24
Unstoppable Dogs: A Biker Gang of Hope and Inspiration

Story Of Unstoppable Dogs Imagine a group that combines the spirit of a biker gang, the resilience of the Avengers, and the boundless love of our furry friends. Meet the Unstoppable Dogs, a remarkable pack of six disabled dogs named Speedy, Zeek, Eddie, Pop, Elliot, and Bunnypop, who are living life to the fullest and […]

Jun 24
Relocating Pets into the UAE: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are relocating your pets into the UAE, this guide will navigate you through the bureaucratically burdened process of relocating your beloved pets into the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Whether you have questions or seek clarity on moving your pets to the UAE, this document aims to provide you with all the necessary information. […]

Jun 23
Travelling with Pets as Excess Baggage from the UAE: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you travelling with your pet as excess baggage from the UAE? Navigating the process can be a bit overwhelming, but fear not! In this informative guide, we’ll provide you with all the essential information you need to make the journey with your furry companion hassle-free and convenient. Let’s dive in! Travelling With Your Pet […]

Jun 23
Traveling with Snub Nosed Dogs in UAE: Tips and Considerations

Snub Nosed Dog Travel or Relocation Traveling with our beloved furry companions is a rewarding experience, but when it comes to snub nosed dogs, there are some unique considerations to keep in mind. Whether you’re planning a road trip or flying to a distant destination, this blog post aims to provide you with essential tips […]

Jun 23
Is Your Dog or Cat Fit to Fly in UAE?

Are you and your dog planning to fly on a relocation adventure? While you may be ready and excited, it’s essential to consider whether your pet is truly fit-to-fly. No matter how well you plan or which airline you choose, certain physiological or underlying health issues can pose risks during air travel. It’s crucial to […]

Jun 21
Weekend Adoption Events Happening in the UAE

Meet a variety of adorable pets who are longing for a place to call home. From playful pups to cuddly older doggies, these four-legged friends have so much love to give. By opening your heart to pet adoption you not only change their world but also fill your own with joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories. […]

Jun 21
Cats for Adoption at Abu Dhabi Animal Shelter

Cats for Adoption at Abu Dhabi Animal Shelter Adopting a cat from Abu Dhabi Animal Shelter is a great way to give an animal in need a loving home. Not only will you be providing a safe and comfortable environment for your new pet, but you will also be helping the shelter by freeing up […]

Jun 20
Pet Travel Options: How Can Your Pet Travel in the UAE?

Every day, numerous pets travel worldwide, and depending on the airline and destination country regulations, there are different options for their transportation. These options include accompanied or excess baggage, in-cabin travel, and manifest cargo. Let’s explore each option in detail. Pet Travel as Accompanied/Excess Baggage: Accompanied baggage refers to checking in your pet for the […]

Jun 18
Pet Travel Crate: Choosing the Right Pet Box for Safe and Secure Travel

When it comes to traveling with your beloved pet, having the right pet travel crate is essential. Whether you opt for a pre-manufactured box or a custom-made wooden crate, ensuring that it meets the International Air Transport Association (IATA) standards is crucial for airline acceptance and the safety of your furry friend. IATA Standard Pet […]

Jun 18
Dubai Municipality Pet Registration and Pet Tags

Have you ever wondered about the significance of pet vaccination and registration and pet tags with the Dubai Municipality? Why is it necessary to obtain a “tag” for your furry companion? In this article, we aim to provide you with comprehensive guidance on these topics while acknowledging that the larger philosophical questions remain unresolved. If […]

Jun 18
How to Plan The Best Pet Friendly Eid Holiday

Get ready to celebrate a Pet Friendly Eid Holiday in style with your furry friends by your side! This blog is your ultimate guide to planning the best pet-friendly Eid holiday. We’ve got you covered with everything you need to know to make this holiday unforgettable for both you and your pets. From finding the […]

Jun 15
The Mussafah Dog Project: The Inspiring Story of The Rescue Warriors

In the bustling industrial area of Abu Dhabi, where stray animals often go unnoticed and uncared for, a group of passionate volunteers has come together to create The Mussafah Dog Project (MDP). This small but mighty team is on a mission to feed the hungry, care for the injured, provide shelter for the vulnerable, and […]

Jun 15
How to Spend a Pet-friendly Day in Alserkal Avenue

Alserkal Avenue is the creative hub of Dubai where art meets culture and innovation. If you’re a pet owner looking for a place to spend quality time with your four-legged companion, then you’re in luck! Alserkal Avenue is also home to some of the most pet-friendly spots in town. We’ll take you through an exciting […]

Jun 14
Help Alex Find a Foster, Forever Home, or Sponsorship – A Heartwarming Stray Dog’s Journey

In the vast world of stray dogs, one furry friend stands out – Alex. With a heart full of hope, Alex is in search of a foster, forever home, or sponsorship that will give him the love and care he truly deserves. The Mussafah Dog Project, came across Alex’s story and were touched by his […]

Jun 13
Meet Lady Furla The Service Dog who flew on FlyDubai

In a heartwarming amoment, FlyDubai recently made a great initiative by welcoming Lady Furla, a remarkable flat coated retriever, as the first-ever service dog to fly with the airline. This milestone not only highlights the growing acceptance of service animals in the aviation industry but also showcases Dubai’s progressive attitude towards creating a more dog-friendly […]

Jun 13
Pet-friendly co-working space in Dubai

Are you tired of leaving your furry friend behind every time you head to work? Well, why not bring them along with you! With the rise of pet-friendly co-working space in Dubai, it’s now easier than ever to have your four-legged companion by your side while you work. Not only does having pets around boost […]

Jun 12
Experience Pet Friendly Water Adventures in Dubai

Discover a pet friendly water adventure in Dubai at ISKI Club, located on Deira Island. Prepare for a day filled with sun, sand, and endless water adventures alongside your furry companions. This unique beach destination allows you to not only swim and splash with your dogs but also explore exciting activities such as kayaking and […]

Jun 12
This Pet Friendly Hotel Offers a FREE Pet Stay

If you’re planning a staycation during the upcoming Eid holiday and want to bring along your furry friends, we have great news for you! Al Hamra Village Hotel in Ras Al Khaimah is offering a special PET FREE promotion, allowing pets to stay for free until end of June With its excellent rates and pet-friendly […]

Jun 11
Dogs for Adoption at RAK Welfare Center

In a world where dogs are often overshadowed, it’s hard to believe that countless canine companions are still waiting for their chance to shine. Let’s shine a spotlight on the dogs for adoption at RAK Welfare Center. Together, we can make a difference in their lives and give them the love and care they truly […]

Jun 08
You Can Book a Private Puppy Yoga, and Support Shelter Doggies

Imagine combining the restorative power of yoga with the heartwarming presence of adorable canines. This innovative puppy yoga initiative by Stray Dogs Center not only promises an unforgettable and calming experience but also directly supports the furry residents of the shelter.  Puppy Yoga Whoever said that dogs are man’s best friend clearly knew the incredible […]

Jun 08
Summary of a pet friendly week in UAE

Let’s hit the rewind button and look at a phenomenal week brimming with pet friendly week, thrilling announcements, and a variety of remarkable places to discover alongside your furry pals! Read on to unveil the latest news and activities that await you and your furry sidekick, promising an extraordinary weekend filled with boundless joy and […]

Jun 08
Doga: The Benefits of Dog Yoga

Have you ever heard of Dog Yoga? Yes, you read that right! It’s the latest trend in fitness and pet therapy. Combining traditional yoga with dogs, Puppy Yoga is a unique way to practice mindfulness and relaxation while bonding with your four-legged friend. Not only does it provide physical benefits such as increased flexibility and […]

Jun 07
Amazing Dog Adoption Events in Dubai This Weekend

Dog adoption is like unlocking a treasure trove of love and companionship, where wagging tails and cozy cuddles await you. Open your heart and home to a loyal sidekick or a snuggle pro who will brighten up your days in the most enchanting way. This weekend attend the amazing line up of foster and adoption […]

Jun 06
Pet Friendly Staycation in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is a great place to take a staycation with your furry friend. There are many pet friendly hotels, pet friendly restaurants, and attractions in the city. Here are a few ideas for your next pet friendly staycation in Abu Dhabi Stay at a pet friendly hotel There are a few pet friendly hotels […]

Jun 06
Puppy Pilates with Shelter Dogs: A Fun and Healthy Way to Give Back

Are you looking for a fun and healthy way to give back to the pet community? If so, Puppy Pilates with doggies is the perfect activity for you! This unique class combines the benefits of Pilates with the joy of spending time with adorable puppies from Stray Dogs Center. Puppy Pilates Pawlates classes organized by […]

Jun 04
Everything You Need to know about Cat Health

Welcome to the world of cat health! As cat lovers, we know how important it is to ensure that our furry friends are always healthy and happy. Whether you’re a first-time cat owner or an experienced one, taking care of your cat’s well-being should always be a top priority. We’ll cover everything you need to […]

Jun 04
A Journey of Compassion: Niall Harbison and His Mission to Save Thailand’s Stray Dogs

In the heart of Thailand, amidst the bustling streets and scenic countryside, a remarkable man named Niall Harbison has dedicated his life to saving the lives of stray dogs. Originally from Dublin, Niall made a life-altering decision to move to Thailand after selling his successful marketing and PR company. What followed was a journey of […]

Jun 03
This Dog Earns $1m as a Social Media Influencer

Tucker Budzyn, an adorable six-year-old Golden Retriever hailing from Michigan, USA. This lovable pooch has garnered quite a reputation as the top influencer among pets worldwide. With an impressive social media following of approximately 25 million people, Tucker has become one of the wealthiest dogs in the world, earning an annual income of around $1 […]

Jun 02
Protecting Your Dog from Heat Stroke in the UAE: Recognizing Signs and Taking Action

Living in the UAE means dealing with scorching temperatures during the summer months. While we can take measures to keep ourselves cool, it’s important not to overlook the well-being of our furry friends. Dogs are especially susceptible to heat stroke, a potentially life-threatening condition. In this article, we will discuss the signs of heat stroke […]

Jun 01
Our Weekly Dose of a Pet Friendly UAE

Let’s rewind and relive an awesome week packed with a pet friendly UAE including adventures, exciting news, and a bunch of cool places to check out with your furry pals! Keep reading to uncover the latest buzz and an array of exhilarating activities that await you and your furry companion, promising an extraordinary weekend of […]

May 30
How to Keep your Pets Cool through Dubai Summer

We’ve put together a guide on How to Keep your Pets Cool through Dubai Summer. As the summer heat in Dubai rises to scorching temperatures, it’s not just humans who need to stay cool. Our furry friends also need extra care and attention during this time of year. The high temperatures can pose serious health […]

May 30
Cats for Adoption at Ras Animal Welfare Center

In a world where cats rule the internet, it’s hard to believe that countless feline friends are still waiting for their chance to shine. We have a look at the cats for adoption looking for their forever from Ras Al Khaimah Animal Welfare. Cats for Adoption at Ras Animal Welfare Center Carina Name: Carina Good […]

May 30
Best Places for Your Dog Birthday in Dubai

Is your furry friends birthday just around the corner? Make it extra memorable and plan a paw-some celebration. We’ll share some of the best places for your dog birthday in Dubai and make it an unforgettable experience for both you and your pup! Pet friendly Venues to Celebrate Dog Birthday in Dubai If you’re looking […]

May 30
This Abu Dhabi Beach Destination Now Welcomes Pets

If you’ve been dreaming of a beach getaway where you can bring your furry friend along, look no further than Al Maya Island & Resort. Located just a short boat trip away from Abu Dhabi, this stunning island paradise is now officially a pet-friendly resort and beach club, offering a day of fun in the […]

May 28
Join Stray Dogs Center Weekly Dog Walks and Socialization Adventures

Stray Dogs Center in UAQ is a local licensed, non-profit, no-kill shelter that is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating abused, abandoned, neglected, and forgotten stray animals in the United Arab Emirates. Established in 2013, this private animal shelter relies on the generous support of the public to continue its vital work. Currently, the shelter provides […]