What You Need to Know About Pet Relocation in Dubai

When moving pets, make sure to plan things out and get prepared in advance. There are a few options when it comes to the stress of pet relocation in Dubai. You can do it yourself or use a service provider that helps with the whole process.

How can i bring my dogs to Dubai

There are two options where you can bring your pets to Dubai

 1- Accompanied baggage:

This may be a cheaper option with less documentation as you will be on the same flight with your pet and will be in cargo the hood.

 2- Un-accompanied baggage:

This is more expensive and quite an extensive documentation is required along with a clearing agent at the destination.

An important note to check is some dog breeds are banned in the United Arab Emirates – such as Terriers, Mastiffs and more.

Before bringing your pet on an airplane, make sure that they are of a certain age and that they are not prohibited. Certain breeds of dogs are prohibited from flying by certain airlines in the summer because they may be too hot.

What you need to remember when relocating your pet in Dubai

Consider an airline that can fly your your pet out of the UAE. Popular airlines such as Emirates and Etihad offer pet flights, but most pets are only allowed to travel by cargo.

As a pawrent, its’s worrisome and there will always be a lot of questions in your mind. It’s also a good idea to speak to your veterinarian and other pet owners who have moved with pets on how their experience was.

When preparing for all the things that you need for your pets to travel, make sure the create that you purchases meet required standards of IATA – that is the appropriate size for your furry friend. You can find some preloved dog crates for sale here

Also purchasing the crate in advance, ensures that your furrbaby gets used to it.

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Pet Health, Safety & Documentation

Remember to make a check list of the vaccines and everything that you need from the vets..

  • Microchip – Ensure your pet is protected is getting a microchip. Before the rabies vaccine, make sure you talk to your vet about getting one.
  • Pet Passport – Most pet owners already have these as they contain all your pet’s vaccinations records and information.
  • Vaccinations – your pets require a series of vaccinations- Rabies, Parvovirus, Distemper, Bordetella, Leptospirosis and Hepatitis- as well as vaccines for Feline Pan Leukopenia Rhinotracheitis as well as Calicivirus. 
  • Rabies Antibody Titer Tests – When your pet has had the rabies vaccine, a test is required to make sure that the vaccine is effective.

Pet Relocation to and from Dubai

If you are travelling to the UAE and planning on bringing the family pet along with you, visit the link below to apply for an import permit. 


This is the UAE government website that will provide all of the information needed.

Please know that it will take a few days or weeks before the permit becomes ready. Once it is, it will be valid for only 1 month.

  • In order to travel internationally, you also need to apply for an international health certificate. This can be arranged by your vet 10 days before travelling.
  • To receive vaccinations, you need an approved certificate. Your certificate needs to be approved depending on your location.
  • Before you pack your bags and get ready to move, it’s best to find out any potential do’s and don’ts in advance.

Airlines Procedure for pets in Dubai

There are quite a couple of airlines that can accommodate your pet relocation such as Emirates, Etihad, KLM and many more depending on your final destination.

  • Book your ticket in advance, to allow ample time for you to arrange all the documentation mentioned above.
  • Contact the airline via e-mail or call, to know their checklist requirements for your pet.
  • Prepare the documents and send it at the earliest as some airlines only have a window of 5 days for submitting the required paper work.
  •  Wait for the approval or confirmation from the airline that your pet is now confirmed for the flight and pay the required fees whether your pet is travelling with you in cabin or through cargo.

Day of the Flight

On the day of your flight, make sure to be prepare and make your pet as comfortable as possible, as this will be a long journey.

  • Feed your pet 8 hours before the flight
  • A comfortable crate for your pet with pee-pad safely in place at the bottom of the crate.
  • Kept some toys so they don’t get lonely.
  • Have ample water in the crate, you can also opt for frozen water so it doesn’t spill through the flight.

Arrive at the airport early and check in your pet atleast 4 hours before the flight, to make sure you don’t rush with all the requirements. 

Checked in the pet 3 hours before the flight in the normal check-in counters at Terminal 3. After 

Animals are part of the family, so making this process less stressful for them is important. There are so many different factors to take into account.

Read: 10 Pet Relocation in Dubai

There’s the emotional attachment, the physical health of your pet, and more! So make sure to plan ahead and have everything ready.

Read: Pet Services offered by Dubai Municipality

For more furry destinations, latest blogs, events, and providers you can stay updated by following us on Instagram and signing up for our newsletters.

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