Paddle Pups: A Guide to Kayaking with Dogs

Are you an adventure enthusiast who thrives on the great outdoors? Eager to find fun ways to connect with your fur baby? Well, hold onto your paddles because we’ve got just the thing for you! Join us on this journey as we delve into the exhilarating realm of kayaking with dogs.

Imagine gliding through serene waters, surrounded by nature’s beauty, while your trusty canine companion sits beside you, tail wagging in pure joy. It doesn’t get much better than that! But before you grab your paddles and head out onto the water, there are a few things to consider.

Benefits of Kayaking with Your Dogs

Kayaking is a fantastic outdoor activity that offers numerous benefits for both humans and dogs. It provides an opportunity to explore beautiful waterways, get some exercise, and bond with your furry friend. But what are the specific advantages of taking your dog along on your kayaking adventures? Let’s find out!

Physical Fitness for both you and your canine companion. Paddling requires strength and endurance, which means you’ll be getting a great workout while enjoying the scenery. Plus, dogs love being active and exploring new environments, so they’ll definitely appreciate the chance to join in on the fun.

Positive Mental Health Benefits for both you and your dog. Being out in nature has been proven to reduce stress levels and increase overall well-being. The peacefulness of gliding through calm waters can help clear the mind and provide a sense of tranquility.

Strengthens the Bond between you and your dog. Spending quality time outdoors creates shared experiences that deepen your connection as you navigate through various obstacles together.

Kayaking with dogs allow them to experience different environments from a unique perspective – floating right alongside you! They will be able to observe wildlife such as birds flying overhead or fish swimming beneath the surface of the water.

Preparing Yourself and Your Dogs for the Kayak Adventure

Before you hit the water with your furry friend, it’s important to make sure both you and your dog are prepared for a safe and enjoyable kayaking experience. Here are some tips to help you get ready:

  1. Assess your dog’s swimming ability: Not all dogs are natural swimmers, so it’s essential to determine if your pup is comfortable in the water. If they’re not confident swimmers, consider outfitting them with a life jacket specifically designed for dogs.
  2. Familiarize your dog with the kayak: Some dogs may find being on a kayak strange or intimidating at first. To ease their anxiety, introduce them to the kayak on land first. Let them sniff around, hop in and out of it, and reward them with treats and praise.
  3. Practice basic commands: It’s crucial that your dog understands basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” These commands will come in handy during kayaking trips when you need to keep control of your canine companion.
  4. Pack essentials for both of you: Remember to bring plenty of fresh water for both yourself and your dog, as well as snacks or treats to keep everyone energized throughout the adventure.
  5. Protect against sunburn: Just like humans can get sunburned while spending time outdoors, so can dogs! Apply pet-friendly sunscreen on areas prone to burning such as noses, ears, bellies, and any exposed skin.

Places that Offer Pet friendly Kayak Experience

1- Aquatech – Jumeirah 1

Experience clear kayaking with dogs in clear waters and the magical skyscraper’s view with your furry friend as aquatech ensures that their customers have the best time.

Find more about Aquatech

2- Hatta Kayak – Hatta Dam

Ready to make a splash? Hatta Kayak offers the perfect water adventure! Whether you’re solo or with a group, they’ve got you covered. Choose from kayaks, pedal boats, or donut boats for a thrilling ride.

Find more about Hatta Kayak

3- Blue Safari Watersport – The Pointe

At Blue Safari, they truly understand the essence of outdoor enthusiasts and sea lovers. It’s about cherishing not just the activity itself, but the little nuances that elevate a mere act into a genuine kayaking adventure. 

Find more about Blue Safari

4- Mikoko – Umm Al Quwaitn

Mikoko Hut stands out with its breathtaking location at Mangrove Beach, promising visitors a delightful experience amidst abundant nature, perfect for kayaking alongside their beloved furry companions.

Essential Gear and Safety Tips for Kayaking with Your Dog

When heading out on a kayaking adventure with your furry friend, it’s important to ensure that you have the right gear and take necessary safety precautions. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

Personal Flotation Device (PFD):

Just like humans, dogs should wear a properly fitted PFD while kayaking. Look for one specifically designed for canines, with a handle on top to easily lift them out of the water if needed.


It’s crucial to keep your dog securely leashed while on the kayak. A hands-free leash that attaches around your waist or deck-mounted clips can be convenient options.

Water and Treats:

Don’t forget to bring fresh drinking water for both you and your pup! Keep treats handy as well – they’re great rewards for good behavior during the trip.

Sun Protection:

Dogs can get sunburned too! Apply pet-friendly sunscreen to exposed areas such as their nose, ears, and belly.

First Aid Kit:

Accidents happen even on calm waters, so pack a first aid kit tailored to meet your dog’s needs. Include items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers (for removing ticks), and any medications they may require.

Familiarize Your Dog with the Kayaking:

Before hitting the water, introduce your dog to the kayak gradually by letting them explore it on land first. This will help them feel more comfortable when it’s time to hop aboard!

Start Slowly:

Begin with short trips close to shore until both you and your dog gain confidence in kayaking together.

Training Your Dog for a Kayaking Trip

Before embarking on a kayaking adventure with your furry friend, it’s important to ensure that they are properly trained and prepared. Training your dog for a successful kayaking trip will not only make the experience more enjoyable but also help keep both of you safe on the water.

  1. Start by familiarizing your dog with the kayak in a controlled environment. Let them sniff around it, hop in and out, and get comfortable with the motion of being on board. Gradually introduce them to sitting or lying down in the kayak while it is stationary.
  2. Gradually introduce movement by gently rocking it back and forth. This will help simulate the sensation of being on water without overwhelming your pup. Reward them with treats or praise for remaining calm throughout this process.
  3. Practice getting in and out of the kayak from different positions such as docks or shorelines. Teach your dog basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” to ensure they can follow instructions during boarding and disembarking.
  4. As you progress through training sessions, gradually increase their exposure to different environments such as lakes or rivers with gentle currents. Introduce distractions like other boats or wildlife sounds to prepare them for potential encounters while kayaking.

Remember to always prioritize safety during training sessions by using proper flotation devices for both yourself and your dog. Start off with shorter trips at first before attempting longer journeys so that you can gauge your dog’s comfort level on open water.

With patience, consistency, positive reinforcement techniques, and gradual progression, you can train your canine companion to become an experienced kayaker who is well-behaved both onboard and off!

Gear up and dive in with confidence! Armed with the right prep, training and gear, you’re all set for a kayaking adventure of a lifetime with your dog bestie by your side. Here’s to a paddling experience filled with joy and unforgettable moments! Always prioritize fun, but let’s keep it safe and responsible out there on the water! 

Want to save money on your pet expenses and get exclusive offers? Check out : Pet Perks Membership

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