Meet Sagi: The Winner of a Private Jet Flight to London

Many of you may have already heard about the heartwarming story of Sagi, and also the competition of K9 Jets for a winner of a pet friendly flight on a private jet from Dubai to London. We heard the incredible news:

Sagi and Miles, the two wonderful boys, have been selected as the lucky winners of the K9 JETS competition! They will be flying from Dubai to London in the lap of luxury on a PRIVATE JET.

This isn’t just a trip; it’s an inspiring story of strength, kindness, and the unwavering love of the pet community. Sagi and Miles, who were once abandoned and went through tough times, are now starting a fresh and happy chapter in their lives. They’ll be with their forever family, feeling loved and cozy.

About Sagi:

Sagi’s journey began in Qatar, where he was found abandoned and injured. He had endured the trauma of a hit-and-run accident, leaving him with numerous challenges, including old fractures, weak muscles, impaired eyesight, cardiac issues, and dehydration. Despite his struggles, Sagi’s spirit remained unbroken.

Upon his rescue, Sagi’s path to recovery was far from easy. Initially, no one was willing to pick up the pieces for this “damaged” dog. However, the determined efforts of caring souls like Donja El Gendy and the unwavering support of the community began to change his fate.

Sagi’s story touched hearts, and donations came in for his medical care and relocation to Dubai for advanced treatment. He spent weeks at the vet, gradually regaining his strength, and underwent essential tests to assess his condition fully.

The Power of Compassion:

This journey wouldn’t have been possible without the immense support of compassionate individuals who believed in Sagi’s resilience including his foster mom Nicole Breed. The community rallied together to ensure that Sagi and Miles received the care and attention they deserved.

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Donja El Gendy

We are incredibly grateful to each and every person who contributed to Sagi’s relocation and the well-being of other generous donors who made it possible for Sagi to travel comfortably and safely.

Now, thanks to the generosity of K9 JETS, Sagi and Miles will make their journey to their forever home in the UK in style. Flying on a private jet will ensure they experience minimal stress and maximum comfort during the transition.

Night of arrival in Dubai with foster mom Nicole

Donja El Gendy who helped Sagi during his journey has shared an emotional post on Facebook thanking everyone who participated in helping Sagi. From K9 JETS for offering this extraordinary opportunity to Nicole Breed his foster mom.

Lastly, we want to thank the pet community that came together to support Sagi from the moment he was found on the streets in Qatar to his medical care, his journey to Dubai for advanced veterinary care, and now his relocation to the UK.

Sagi at a weekend resort with his foster family

The Boys Are Going Home!

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