How to choose a name for your pet & The Top Ten most used ones

There are many challenges that face hesitant people when they decide to get a pet. The first one is making a choice between cats and dogs, which can sometimes end with raising both in one household. The second is the longest process of them all, choosing a name for your pet.

Today, a lot of people don’t take this responsibility lightly and wait a few days to note the character before naming their pet.

So, if your struggling with picking a name for your pet, this article will help you.

A few notes to keep in mind that might give you inspiration:

Famous Names:
Try a famous pet name like Benji, Lassie, or Rover, or maybe opt for a famous person that inspires you.

• Traits:
Observe your pet and see if it has any exceptional traits of character. After that trait, you can call it. You can call it “Sweetie” if it is affectionate.

• Hard Constants:
Dogs remember names that begin with hard consonants better such as “K”, “T”, “M”, or “S”. If the name begins with a hard consonant, your dog will respond much faster in a noisy or crowded environment.

• Pick a fictional character:
Try calling your pet by the name of a fictional character to see how it sounds. Bonus: it can act as an icebreaker if you meet someone from the same fandom.

• Keep it short:
This is particularly the case for dogs who are unable to relate to names that are too long. Your dog would respond to a short name much better.

• Be socially and culturally conscious:
It’s important to be cautious when choosing your pet’s name as many names can hold religious or cultural meanings that might be offensive. Make sure you do your research beforehand and choose a name that won’t offend anyone.

What are the top 10 names used for Pets?

Top males namesTop female names

Related: Top Dog Names

How can you make your pet remember their name quickly?

Now comes the hard part, how do you to make your pet actually acknowledge their name? Here are some tips:

  1. Food temptation: Giving them food and treats is one of the best methods. They’ll get accustomed to hurrying to you whenever their name is called.
  2. Change of tone: Use various intonations to call the dog’s name under different circumstances.
  3. Name Tone: To give the dog a good impression, calling names is limited to giving instructions and compliments. The next time you call his name, he’ll run straight to you.

A lot of responsibilities come with a new pet and naming them is just the first step; learn more about pet vaccinations and the banned food list for dogs and let us know in the comments what do you call your furry friend and how did you come up with that name?

Stay updated with pet news, places to go and things to do with your pets in the UAE


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