Help Nicole Bring 35 Rescued Cats to Their Forever Homes

In times of unexpected challenges, the strength of compassion shines the brightest. Meet Nicole Breed and her incredible journey to rescue and care for 35 cats in the Middle East. These furry friends, once facing the harsh streets, now have the chance for a loving forever home, but they need our help to get there.

A Lifesaving Mission Begins

In February 2021, Furbabies Rescue embarked on a mission to rescue cats in the Middle East. They started with Riea, Aziza, and Ramey – a mother and her two young kittens. Little did they know that this humble beginning would lead them on a remarkable journey, spanning over two years, during which they rescued 162 animals and flew 98 of them to loving forever homes in the U.K. Together, they’ve built an incredible community of compassion and care.

Building a Cat Community in the U.K.

As of now, Furbabies Rescue can say that they have flown 113 cats to the U.K! They have found so many wonderful forever homes for these kitties and have managed to build the most amazing cat community during this process, a safe place for all of their adopters and fosterers.

Most of the rescued cats are Arabian Maus, often described as “puppies in cat’s bodies” for their affectionate nature, chattiness, love for food, and cuddles. Even the most anxious cats rescued from the streets have found loving homes thanks to the patience of their adopters.

The Challenge Ahead

Now, they stand at a crossroads facing what might be their most significant challenge yet: sending 35 cats to the U.K. over the next two weeks. Typically, they send cats in intervals, but unforeseen personal circumstances require them to return to the U.K. for good in a week’s time.

The question that weighed heavily on their hearts was, “How do we take all these cats home?” Despite the huge challenge they face, they have never even considered leaving any of the animals in their care behind. They rescued them, cared for them, are responsible for them, and love each and every one of them with their whole hearts.

A Glimmer of Hope

Thanks to their exceptional pet relocation partners at Sandy Paws, they’ve discovered a way to achieve what they once thought was impossible – getting these cats home before they leave the Middle East. However, the cost is substantial, just under £18,000.

They’ve drained all of their bank accounts and any savings they had, but they are still short by just over £8,350. If they cannot raise this amount in time, they will not be able to fly all of these amazing cats to the U.K.

Your Chance to Make a Difference

This is where you come in. They’ve launched this urgent fundraiser to appeal to your incredible generosity and compassion. They humbly ask for your help to make this dream a reality and ensure these 35 beautiful souls find their forever homes in the U.K.

Each of these cats has a story – they were rescued from the unforgiving streets of the Middle East. Furbabies Rescue has nurtured them, ensured they’re healthy and fully vaccinated, spayed, neutered, microchipped, and much more, and loved them wholeheartedly so they can have a chance at happiness.

Every Contribution Matters

Don’t be discouraged by the total amount they’re aiming to raise. Every contribution, no matter the size, takes them one step closer to securing these cats’ futures. It’s a race against time, and your support can be the difference between a life on the streets and a loving forever home.

Stand with Us

Furbabies Rescue is pleading with you to stand with them and help bring these 35 precious lives home. Your kindness and generosity can transform their destinies and fill their lives with the love and care they so rightfully deserve.

Go Fund Me Link

Together, we can make a world of difference for these incredible cats. Let’s ensure they have the chance for the happy lives they truly deserve.

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