German Dog Trainer Sets New World Record with Impressive 14-Dog Conga Line

A German dog trainer and his talented canines have created history by forming the world’s largest conga line.

Wolfgang Lauenburger led his 14 dogs, named Bibi, Cathy, Charly, Elvis, Emma, Filou, Fin, Jennifer, Katie, Maya, Simon, Speck, Susy, and Ulf, in setting a new world record.

Wolfgang Lauenburger earned the record in Stuckenbrock in August 2022, according to Guinness World Records.

This achievement surpassed his daughter Alexa’s previous record of 9 dogs in a conga line. Wolfgang is no stranger to world records, as he has already set several including the most skips by a dog on hind legs in 30 seconds and the most rollovers by a dog in one minute.

Wolfgang now has 10 Guinness World Records titles, leaving Alexa with just one

The 14 dogs are seen practicing their formation.

He beat out his own daughter, Alexa, who has appeared on “Britain’s Got Talent” and held the previous record of nine dogs.

Here are all 10 of Wolfgang’s records as per Guinness record:

  • Most rotations by a dog on hind legs in 30 seconds: 29, achieved with Emma
  • Fastest time to complete 10 m on hind legs by a dog: 2.83 seconds, achieved with Emma
  • Most single A frame jump pirouettes by a dog in 30 seconds: 31, achieved with Maya
  • Most spins by a dog in 30 seconds: 49, achieved with Maya
  • Most roll overs by a dog in one minute: 62, achieved with Maya
  • Fastest 5 m backwards by a dog: 2.33 seconds, achieved with Simon
  • Most skips of a single rope by a dog and person in one minute: 65, achieved with Fin
  • Most skips of a single rope by a dog and person in three minutes: 192, achieved with Fin
  • Most skips by a dog on the hind legs in 30 seconds: 32, achieved with Balu
  • Most dogs in a conga line: 14

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