Dog Trick Training: 3 Unexpected Benefits

If you are a dog parent, you probably enjoy doing trick training with your dog. I am pretty sure they enjoy it too.

While it is an enjoyable time, it also comes with some benefits that will reinforce your love for doing trick training with your dog.

Let’s look at those benefits. 

One important note: Trick training doesn’t mean crazy or complex tricks! It can be as simple as speak, roll over, shake, etc. The key is to have them learn the simple things rather than getting stuck trying to teach them difficult tricks. 


While you and your pooch don’t speak the same language, dogs do pick up words and understand them, like when you say walk, they know it’s time to go out. 

Every time you interact with your furry, it helps them observe your language, and what you want them to do. They tend to communicate back with body language. 

Since your communication is key in trick training, it places great focus on communication. Be it marking, shaping, and revising tricks that your dog has already learned, communication has to be spot on and well understood. 

Trick training even helps humans to focus on what we are communicating to our dogs and how. We are drawn to be clearer and more effective in our communication with our dogs. 


Raising a dog should be fun, despite the bumps along the way. While the challenges of being a dog parent don’t just go away, you should have as much fun with them as possible for a positive relationship. 

Trick training is a great way to have a fun time with your furbaby. It also gives you and your dog a break from the frustrating behavioral training sessions that aren’t always fun. 


Trick training can polish your dog’s behavior overall. As mentioned above, trick training improves communication. So, better communication means better behavior. 

Trick training can help your dog to listen better, focus, and have better behavior as a whole. 

Good luck for your trick training adventures with your fur baby!

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