Celebrating Michelle: A Journey of Love for Stray Animals

Today is not just any day, it’s a day filled with warmth and appreciation for someone who has devoted her life to a cause that’s larger than herself. It’s Michelle’s birthday – the driving force behind Animals & Us Fujairah, a name synonymous with tireless efforts for animals in need.

You might not have met Michelle personally, but if you’ve followed Animals & Us Fujairah, you’ve witnessed the incredible impact of her dedication. Her journey is one of building something from nothing, rescuing animals, and tirelessly advocating for animal welfare. And all of this is done while juggling a full-time teaching job – a true embodiment of passion and commitment.

A Remarkable Beginning

Animals and Us started its journey in a residential villa, with Michelle’s family helping as many dogs as they could. In September 2017, Michelle took the brave decision to privately rent a location and build the shelter and now works closely with the Fujairah Municipality to save as many lives as she can

Michelle’s story in Fujairah started when she moved from Kolkata to pursue her teaching career. However, her heart couldn’t ignore the cases of animal abuse and neglect that she encountered. This was the turning point that ignited her life’s mission.

From humble beginnings to housing over 400 dogs and 90 cats today, Animals & Us Fujairah’s growth is a testament to Michelle’s unwavering commitment. A video chronicling their journey reflects the sheer dedication poured into this venture.

A Year of Challenges and Resilience

This past year has been marked by unprecedented challenges, a fact not known to many. Yet, amid all these hurdles, Michelle’s determination has shone through. Even when discussions about possibly shutting down the shelter arose, she stood firm. For Michelle, this cause isn’t just a part of her life; it’s her entire existence.

Described as selfless, generous, and incredibly passionate (often feisty!) when it comes to advocating for animal welfare, Michelle’s impact extends far beyond the shelter’s walls.

A Birthday Wish for Michelle

As the community celebrates Michelle’s birthday, the wish for this year isn’t just about financial support. It’s a call to offer herself a moment of kindness and self-care, something she rarely puts before her cause. Her unassuming birthday wishes revolve around practical necessities for the shelter – dog food, essentials for the dogs, and cleaning supplies. Every gesture, no matter how small, matters deeply to her.

Joining Hands for Michelle’s Mission

If you’ve been touched by Michelle’s dedication and would like to show your appreciation, there are multiple ways to contribute. From providing dog food to supporting vet bills, your assistance matters more than you know. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps create a lasting impact.

As the pet-loving community in the UAE, let’s come together to wish Michelle a happy birthday filled with love, warmth, and the realization that her efforts have touched countless lives. From the team at PETWITHIT and on behalf of all animal lovers, we extend our heartfelt wishes to Michelle and the animals she cares for.

How You Can Make a Difference:

1- Gift Food: Contribute to the shelter’s dog food supplies through this link. https://aaufpetfood.com/products/rise-ai-giftcard
2- Support Vet Care: Assist with vet bills by making a payment through this link. https://aauf.ae/pzvetsupportlink
3- Shop from Wishlist: Explore the Amazon Wishlist and select items that can aid the shelter. https://aauf.ae/wishlist
4- Become a Monthly Sponsor: Pledge your support through the recurring sponsorship option. https://aauf.ae/recurringsponsorship

Let’s continue sharing their posts, spreading the word about their incredible work, and standing by Michelle and Animals & Us Fujairah. Together, we amplify her impact and make a tangible change in the lives of these animals. Happy Birthday, Michelle – your selfless journey inspires us all.

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