Owner of Bobi oldest dog shared special diet helped it live to 31

In the world of canine companionship, there’s a heartwarming story about Bobi, a remarkable Portuguese Rafeiro do Alentejo breed who defied the odds, becoming the world’s oldest dog, living to the ripe age of 31. Bobi’s journey, shared by his devoted owner Leonel Costa, is not only a tale of extraordinary longevity but also a testament to the power of a special diet and unconditional love.

Bobi’s story began as a stroke of luck. He was one of four puppies in a litter, and his owner, Leonel, rescued him from being put down by his parents. Little did Leonel know that this unassuming puppy would become his faithful companion for an unprecedented span of time.

A World Record Setter: Earlier this year, Bobi achieved a Guinness World Record, surpassing a century-old record held by an Australian hound that lived to be 29. This remarkable achievement attracted much attention and led to an important question: What was the secret behind Bobi’s incredible longevity?

According to Leonel Costa, Bobi’s secret to a long and fulfilling life was not any expensive pet food or fancy supplements. Instead, it was his lifelong diet of “people food.” Living in the picturesque Portuguese countryside and never being confined by a leash, Bobi thrived on the same meals that Leonel himself enjoyed. It was a simple yet effective approach to pet nutrition.

So, if you want your furry friend to live a long, healthy life, it might be worth considering Bobi’s advice. The key is to cook meals for two, sharing one with your loyal companion. This way, your dog can enjoy the same delicious and nutritious food you do, keeping them fit and energetic.

Read more about Bobi

While treating your dog to your meals is a fantastic idea, it’s essential to remember that not all human foods are safe for dogs. Some human foods can be harmful to them. Always ensure that the food you’re sharing with your dog is safe and suitable for their dietary needs. And, of course, don’t be tempted to try your dog’s kibble – it’s meant for them, not us!

Bobi’s extraordinary journey serves as an inspiring example of the strong bond between humans and their pets. With the right diet, love, and a bit of luck, dogs like Bobi can defy expectations, making every day spent with them a priceless gift. So, why not consider sharing your delicious meals with your furry friend? After all, who wouldn’t want more precious days with their beloved dog?

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