
Jan 13
Exploring Dog Friendly Activities and Adventures this Weekend

There’s never a dull weekend with pawmily around – and this is why we also want to keep you occupied with Dog Friendly Activities and adventures to do with Your Dog over the weekend and spend that quality time. 5 Dog Friendly Activities and Adventures 1- Chill out at Single Fin Café Pass by your […]

Jan 10
Unleash your Dog’s Super Power

Most of us know our furry friends are special. They make us laugh, provide companionship, and even help us stay active. But did you know your pup has a Dog’s Super Power ?  Research shows that dogs have an incredible ability to detect changes in their environment and alert us to potential danger or health […]

Jan 10
How to Design a Pet Friendly Kitchen That’sFashionable and Functional

Whether you’re a pet parent or just a fan of furry friends, it’s important to make sure that your home is safe and comfortable for them. That includes your Pet Friendly Kitchen, arguably the heart of any home — which can be difficult to design when you have a pet in mind.  With some clever […]

Jan 07
Ways Dogs Get Lost and How to Prevent It

Hundreds or even thousands of dogs get lost or stolen in UAE each year. What must have happened for the dogs to get lost? What will happen to the Dog once they get lost? Who is the one responsible? What are the precautionary steps that we can take to keep our doggies safe? How Do […]

Jan 06
9 Fun Outdoor Games for Dogs

We know why you’re here – because you care enough about your dog – it’s your family. Outdoor games for dogs improve your dog’s behavior and mental stimulation while keeping him entertained. Not only will you learn what these outdoor games are, but you’ll also learn how to play them properly. Top Outdoor Games for […]

Jan 05
Our Top 5 Pet Friendly Things to do this Weekend

Just as the new year started, along with the amazing weather – there are lots of pet friendly things to do with your dog over the weekend. And we have just the list for you and how to begin the first weekend of the year outdoors…. Our Top 5 Pet Friendly Things to do this […]

Dec 31
Should I Have a Dog GPS Tracker

Not all pets are created equal or the same, for that matter. While some may enjoy a cozy home and plenty of exercise, others are more prone to running away and getting lost and would need a dog GPS tracker For those pets and their owners who don’t want to risk a possible tragedy, there […]

Dec 31
Keep your Pets Entertained While You’re at Work

Being a pet parent is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. But there are times when leaving a pet home alone while you’re at work can be difficult and stressful. So every pet owner need to know how to Keep your Pets Entertained While You’re at Work No one wants to have an […]

Dec 31
Why Dogs Run in Their Sleep?

Have you ever looked at your pup sleeping peacefully and wondered why their legs were twitching or kicking? Ever wanted to know why dogs run in their sleep You’re not alone.  This phenomenon has been noted by pet owners for years, but it wasn’t until recently that science was able to explain why dogs run […]

Dec 30
Your Guide to a Pet Friendly New Year`s eve

It’s the time to celebrate and welcome the year with a brand new start. Although the celebration can sound more like a nightmare than a party for our furry friends, before the fun, let’s talk about a safe pet friendly new year! Keep Your Dog Safe with these few tips: 1- Turn on the radio […]

Dec 27
14 Gift Ideas for Dogs for the New Year

There are many reasons why you might want to buy a gift for your dog. Some people buy gifts for their dogs to show them love and appreciation, while others do it to make them feel included in holiday celebrations or special occasions. Here are 14 Gift Ideas for Dogs that can also be a […]

Dec 27
Dog Training in Dubai

Dog training in Dubai is important for a number of reasons. It helps to establish a positive and healthy relationship between a dog and its owner, as well as between the dog and other people and animals. Training can also help to prevent behavior problems and keep dogs safe by teaching them basic obedience commands […]

Dec 27
How to Stop My Dog From Eating Poop

Dealing with a dog that eats poop, also known as coprophagia, can be a frustrating and unappealing issue for pet owners. While it is not uncommon for dogs to engage in this behavior, it can be harmful to their health and is generally considered undesirable. There are several reasons why a dog may eat poop. […]

Dec 23
5 Christmas things to do with your Dog this Weekend

It’s the season to be merry, happy and jolly! Christmas is right around the corner and we have exciting Christmas things to do with your Dog this Weekend Christmas things to do with your Dog this Weekend 1- A cozy day out at Junipers Inspired by an old-fashioned library, Junipers offers comfortable lounge seating and […]

Dec 18
تدريب الكلب على مقابلة الغرباء

إن امتلاك كلب جديد أمر مثير ، لكن تدريب الكلب على مقابلة الغرباء يتطلب جهدًا ووقتًا. كونك صاحب فخور بكلبك ، من المستحيل مقاومة إظهاره ، قد يكون ذلك للعائلة والأصدقاء ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ، وحتى للغرباء الذين قد نلتقي بهم في جولاتنا اليومية مع الجرو. نعم ، هذا مثير ، لكننا نحتاج إلى التحلي […]

Dec 18
How to Include Your Dog or Cat in Your Wedding

Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. It’s a day to celebrate your love and commitment with your partner, and to start your journey together as a married couple. But it’s also a day to include all of the people and things that are important to you – including […]

Dec 17
طرق إظهار الكلب الحب لك

هناك طرق عديدة لإظهار الحب لكلبك. ومن بين هذه القبلات ، وتدليك البطن ، وفرك الأذن ، والحضن. لكن هل تعلم أن كلبك يظهر الحب لك أيضًا! نتحدث كثيرًا عن كيفية تواصل الكلاب مع البشر ومع بعضها البعض ، لكننا لم نتطرق إلى طرق إظهار الكلب الحب لك. في هذه المدونة في دليل العناية بالحيوانات، […]

Dec 17
Meet the Team Behind Meow Howl

You have probably heard of Meow Howl by now! They are one of the pet supply providers in the UAE who delivers all our pet needs and gives us health tips for our lovely furrbabies.  But instead of talking about how Meow Howl works, we walk you through the story of the founders and how […]

Dec 16
Best Pet Friendly Places for the Weekend

Wouldn’t it be nice to go outside and enjoy some quality time with your doggies? There’s lots of Pet Friendly Places for the Weekend and here’s the list for YOU!  1- Fill your bellies at Friends Avenue Cafe A casual and relaxed pet-friendly cafe that’s your go to spot for your morning coffee and breakfast […]

Dec 14
How Pets Make an Influence in our Lifestyle

Pets have been a big part of our lives for centuries and they continue to play an important role in our society today. It’s no secret that we love our pets, but did you know that they actually influence our lifestyle in more ways than one? From the way we shop, to the way we […]

Dec 12
لماذا يتقيأ كلبي

الفكرة التي تدور في رأسك حول ” لماذا يتقيأ كلبي ؟” ليست فكرة ممتعة. بصفتك أحد الوالدين المسئولين عن الحيوانات الأليفة ، فشعورك بالضيق مفهوماً حين يتقيأ كلبك – قد يكون من المخيف أن ترى كلبك يخرج محتويات معدته أثناء وقوفك جانباً ، غير متأكد مما يمكنك فعله لمساعدتهم. بالنسبة للأغلبية ، يعتبر القيء عند […]

Dec 11
تدريب كلبك على القدوم في كل مرة عند نداءه

هل أنت أحد أصحاب الكلاب الذين يتساءلون عن كيفية تدريب كلبهم على القدوم في كل مرة عند نداءه؟ حسنًا ، أنت فى المكان الصحيح. يغطي هذا المنشور كل ما تحتاجه ل تدريب كلبك على القدوم في كل مرة عند نداءه. كيف تدرب كلبك على القدوم في كل مرة عند نداءه ؟ فيما يلي خطوات التدريب […]

Dec 11
كيف تمنع كلبك من الحفر

أولاً ، تذكر أن الحفر سلوك طبيعي تظهره الكلاب. ثانيًا ، من الطبيعي تمامًا أن تشعر بالإحباط إذا استمر كلبك في فعل ذلك في المنزل ، وربما يفسد المظهر داخل منزلك. دعنا ننتقل إلى نصائح كيف تمنع الكلب من الحفر. تدريب كلبك وممارسات لتقليل الملل أحد أسباب الحفر هو أن الكلب يشعر بالملل ، وربما […]

Dec 11
ماذا يحاول كلبك إخبارك؟ أساسيات لغة الجسد للكلب

إذا كان بإمكانك امتلاك قوة عظمى واحدة في العالم ، فماذا ستكون؟ بالنسبة لي ، ستكون إمكانى من التواصل مع كلبي ب لغة الجسد للكلب. ومع ذلك ، على الرغم من أن البشر لا يتمتعون بهذه القوة ، إلا أن كلابنا لا تزال قادرة على التواصل بمعنا ، ولكن ليس بالكلمات المنطوقة تستخدم الكلاب لغة […]

Dec 11
أساسيات تدريب الكلاب

يعتبر تدريب الكلاب مهمًا إذا كنت تريد الاحتفاظ بكلب ؛ بغض النظر عن عمر الجرو الخاص بك. يمكنك تعليمهم حيلًا جديدة أو تحديث تلك الحيل التي يعرفونها بالفعل. ندرج أدناه بعض الأدوات التي ستساعدك في رحلة تدريب كلبك: منتجات تدريب الكلاب 1. حقيبة التدريب وجود المكافات أينما ذهبت بهذه الحقيبة التدرييية يساعدك على تدريب كلبك […]

Dec 11
ما يجب معرفته عند البحث عن مدرب الكلاب في الإمارات

مع الجداول الزمنية المزدحمة ، يصعب أحيانًا تدريب كلابنا بأنفسنا ، خاصة إذا كنت أباً جديدًا لحيوانك الأليف. هنا يأتي دور مدرب الكلاب ؛ سواء اخترت أن يتم تدريبهم من خلال جعلهم يذهبون إلى الفصول الدراسية أو ترتيب جلسات خاصة حيث يمكنكما القيام بذلك معًا لحل المشكلة السلوكية لكلبك. قد يكون اختيار مدرب الكلاب المناسب […]

Dec 11
اساسات تدريب الكلاب : أهم النصائح لتدريب كلبك الجديد

أمتلاك كلب يعد أمراً مثيراً ، ولكن أيضًا من الصعب إحضار الكلاب الجدد إلى منزلهم الحالي. سيكون هناك الكثير من الأسئلة حول معرفة كيف وماذا تفعل. لمساعدتك في معرفة المزيد عن تدريب الكلاب وتقديم العديد من النصائح للمالكين الجدد ، سنناقش مواضيع مختلفة. نصائح لتدريب الكلاب 1. تأكد من أن منزلك مهيأ جيداً وجاهز لاستقبالهم […]

Dec 11
علامات على أن كلبك يحتاج إلى تدريب إضافي

بينما كلابنا تخرج أحيانا عن سيطرتنا، إلا أن الأمر مختلف دائمًا عندما يتعلق الأمر بشخص أو شيء آخر. لتجنب المشكلات والتعقيد على المدى الطويل ، سيكون من الأفضل متابعة بعض التدريب لان كلبك يحتاج إلى تدريب إضافي. بعض العلامات أن كلبك يحتاج إلى تدريب إضافي: على الرغم من أن العض عادة مرتبطة بالتسنين ، إلا […]

Dec 11
الأخطاء الشائعة أثناء تدريب الكلاب وكيفية إصلاحها

إذا كنت ترغب في تدريب كلبك ، فإن فهم الأخطاء الشائعة التي يرتكبها الناس أمر أساسي. قد يكون تدريب الكلاب صعبًا ، لكن فهم هذه الأخطاء القليلة سيقربك خطوة من جرو حسن التصرف. هذه هي الأخطاء الشائعة أثناء تدريب الكلاب! الانتظار طويلاً لبدء التدريب الخطأ: الانتظار حتى يكبر الجرو قليلاً أو “ينضج” لبدء تدريب كلبهم […]

Dec 11
ما يجب معرفته: ترك الكلب في المنزل

لدينا جميعًا عمل ومهمات وأشياء أخرى علينا حضورها والتي قد تتطلب منا ترك الكلب في المنزل. لكن هل تساءلت يومًا إلى متى يمكننا المغادرة أو ترك الكلاب في المنزل؟ إذا كنت ستترك كلبك بمفرده لفترة طويلة من الوقت ، فمن المهم اتباع بعض الإرشادات.  ترك الكلب في المنزل بمفرده لمدة ساعة يختلف كثيرًا عن تركه […]

Dec 11
فوائد إخصاء كلبك

قد يكون إخصاء كلبك قرارًا صعبًا ، لكنه سيجعل حياتك أسهل على المدى الطويل. تشمل فوائد الإخصاء قدرًا أقل من العدوانية ، ونمط حياة أكثر صحة لكلبك. إخصاء حيواناتك الأليفة التعقيم والخصي هو إزالة الأعضاء التناسلية لكلبة أنثى أو خصيتي الكلب الذكر. هذا يمنع الحمل غير المرغوب فيه للحيوانات ، ويقلل من الزيادة السكانية ، […]

Dec 11
أسباب حكة الكلاب

قد تشعر الكلاب بالحكة من وقت لآخر ، ولكن إذا كان كلبك يعاني من الحكة كثيرًا ، فقد حان الوقت للوصول إلى السبب الجذري. نتناول في هذه المدونة الأسباب الشائعة ل حكة الكلاب ، بالإضافة إلى كيفية تخفيف الأعراض وعلاج السبب الجذري. أسباب حكة الكلاب الكلاب لديها درجات متفاوتة من حساسية الجلد. هذا يمكن أن […]

Dec 11
التأمين على الحيوانات الأليفة في دبي: سرقة أم منقذ للحياة؟

يعتقد معظم الناس أن التأمين على الحيوانات الأليفة في دبي عملية احتيال. بعد كل شيء ، لماذا تحتاج إلى التأمين على حيوانك الأليف فى حين أنه لا يحتمل أن يتعرض لحادث أو يمرض؟ ومع ذلك ، يمكن أن يكون التأمين على الحيوانات الأليفة منقذًا للحياة. إذا تعرض حيوانك الأليف لحادث أو مرض ، سيتم تسديد […]

Dec 11
كيف تعتني بكلبك في المنزل

إذا لم يكن لديك الوقت الكافي لجدولة لقاء مع مصمم الأزياء المفضل لديك ، فلا مشكلة! يمكنك ان تعتني بكلبك في المنزل حتى يبدو دائمًا في أفضل حالاته. لا تنسى تعزيز التواصل بينكم لأنها ستكون طريقة جيدة لكلاكما للاسترخاء والاستمتاع باليوم. لدينا بعض النصائح لك للحفاظ على نضارة ورونق جروك دائمًا. واصل القراءة… كيف تعتني […]

Dec 11
كل ما تحتاج معرفته عن رقاقة الحيوانات الأليفة

هل تفكر في اقتناء حيوان أليف أم لديك واحد بالفعل؟ سواء كان لديك قطة أو كلب ، فمن المهم أن تفكر في الحصول على رقاقة الحيوانات الأليفة. يمكن أن تُفقد الحيوانات الأليفة أو تُسرق طوال الوقت ، ومع وجود شريحة إلكترونية ، سيكون من السهل عليك العثور عليها في حالة فقدها. ما هي رقاقة الحيوانات […]

Dec 11
مخاطر السمنة عند الكلاب

السمنة عند الكلاب هي أكثر الأمراض التي يمكن الوقاية منها شيوعًا في الكلاب ، حيث تصيب ما بين 25-30 في المائة من تعداد الكلاب ، مع 40 إلى 45 في المائة من الكلاب من سن 5 إلى 11 عامًا يكون وزن الجسم فيها أعلى من الوزن الطبيعي. ما الذي يسبب السمنة عند الكلاب؟ يمكن أن […]

Dec 11
كل ما تحتاج معرفتة حول إطعام الكلاب الكبيرة

مع تقدم كلابنا في العمر ، قد تبدأ في القلق بشأن ما يأكله. تمامًا مثل الأشخاص ، يختلف إطعام الكلاب الكبيرة عن الكلاب الصغيرة ، حيث تحتاج الكلاب الكبيرة إلى نظام غذائي متوازن يحتوي على ما يكفي من البروتين والدهون للحفاظ على صحتهم. هل هناك طعام خاص للكلاب الكبيرة؟ لا توجد إجابة واحدة تناسب الجميع […]

Dec 11
كيف تتخلص من براغيث الكلاب

براغيث الكلاب هي مخلوقات صغيرة مزعجة يمكن أن تتكاثر بسرعة وتسبب الكثير من الانزعاج والتهيج لكلبك. في هذه المقالة سوف نوضح لك كيفية التخلص من البراغيث على كلبك باستخدام طرق طبيعية آمنة وفعالة. تخلص من براغيث الكلاب 1- شامبو وأمشاط براغيث الكلاب للحيوانات الأليفة البراغيث مخلوقات صغيرة مزعجة يمكن أن تنتشر بسرعة في جميع أنحاء […]

Dec 11
ماذا يجب أن تعرف حول إطعام الكلب الخاص بك

فعلتها أخيرًا – لقد أحضرت كلب صغيرًا فرويًا إلى المنزل! ولكن الآن بعد أن تلاشت الإثارة الأولية ، قد تتساءل عن كيفية إطعام الكلب الخاص بك بشكل صحيحإ. في هذه المدونة ، سنقدم جميع المعلومات التي تحتاج إلى معرفتها حول إطعام الكلب ، بدءًا من نوع الطعام الذي يجب شراؤه إلى عدد المرات التي يجب […]

Dec 09
Abu Dhabi Cat Owners Plead for help

Pawrents of 3 – Blacky, Monty, and Winnie has been desperately looking for their furrbabies since October as they have suddenly been missing after the municipality has received a complaint from a neighbor wherein dusty paw prints where seen at a newly washed car. With the Christmas season closing in, they really want to be […]

Dec 08
Pet Friendly Activities for the Weekend

Still don’t have a busy schedule for the festive season? Take this chance to spend more time with your furry friends and do these Pet Friendly Activities for the Weekend Pet Friendly Activities for the Weekend 1- Coffee morning at La Nena View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pet With It (@petwithit) […]

Dec 02
5 Pawsome things to do with your Dog this Weekend

It’s finally December and it’s the season to kick off all the Pawsome things to do with your Dog this Weekend! From hiking, camps, to pet fairs and so much more… Plan your long national day weekend with these things to do…  1- Mornings at KAVE Kave is an upcycled cafe in Alserkal Avenue where […]

Dec 01
Keep Your Pets Safe Around Cleaning Products

We all want to keep our homes clean and our pets safe, but sometimes these two things can be at odds with each other. When we use certain cleaning products, we might not realize that they could be harmful to our furry friends. We explore some of the most common cleaning products that are dangerous […]

Nov 29
Roadtrip with your Dog Guide

For dog lovers, the idea of hitting the open road with their furry best friend by their side is the stuff of dreams. And while it’s definitely possible to have a roadtrip with your dog, there are a few things you need to know before setting off on your adventure. In this blog, we’ll explore […]

Nov 29
How to Celebrate your First Christmas with a New Pet

If you’ve recently adopted a new pet, you might be wondering how to make the most of this holiday season. With so many beautiful decorations and special traditions, Christmas can be an exciting and meaningful time for pets who are celebrating it for the first time. Find out what you can do to ensure your […]

Nov 24
9 Reasons to be Grateful for Your Dog

Don’t forget to show some extra love and appreciation for your furry friend. As loyal companions, dogs bring us much joy and happiness and there are so many reasons to be grateful for your dog Here are some of the reasons to be grateful for your dog… 1- Provide companionship Dogs provide companionship and unconditional […]

Nov 23
Top 5 Things to do with your Dog this Weekend

With the weather getting cooler and cooler, there are lots of Things to do with your Dog over the weekend. And we have just the list for you…. Top 5 Things to do with your Dog this Weekend 1- Sit back and relax at Logs and Embers Enjoy the dog friendly space, with your furry […]

Nov 22
مأوى الشارقة للقطط والكلاب 

ملاجئ الحيوانات هي الأماكن التي تقوم بإنقاذ الحيوانات المشردة و محاولة إيجاد منازل آمنة لها، كما تقوم بإعطاء المعلومات اللازمة عن نوع الحيوان، عمره و مواصفات شخصيته لراغبي التبني.  مأوى الشارقة للقطط والكلاب  و بفضل سمو الشيخ سلطان بن محمد القاسمي حاكم الشارقة رعاه الله، أصبح من الممكن توفير منازل آمنة للحيوانات المشردة في أسرع […]

Nov 22
Can Dogs Eat This

Many people think that because a food is safe for humans, it must be safe for dogs. But that’s not always the case. In fact, there are many common foods that can be dangerous—even deadly—for dogs. We have listed some of the common food where pawrents ask, can dogs eat this. So, what should you […]

Nov 21
كل ما تريد معرفته عن تبني الكلاب في دبي 

هناك العديد مت الأسباب التي تدفعك لتتبني كلب. فالكلب صديق رائع، يملأ البيوت بالمرح و الحب، يقلل الشعور بالوحدة و حبه الغير مشروط يجعله الصديق الأفضل لللأطفال.  فإذا كنت من سكان مدينة دبي، فإليك كل ما تريد معرفته عن تبني الكلاب.  لماذا اتبني كلب؟  –هل تعلم أن 39% من مربي الكلاب في دبي يعيشون بمفردهم؟  -هل […]

Nov 19
Cats for Adoption in Dubai

If you have decided to have a furbaby? and if this furbaby is a cat, then you might find your future buddy in the list of cats for adoption These cuties are looking for their forever home and they are all available in Ras Al Khaimah Animal Welfare Center. Cats for Adoption in UAE Cats for […]

Nov 19
Pet friendly Staycation for the UAE National Holiday

The long holidays are upon us, and it is a great time to take a break from the daily grind. What better way than to spend some quality time with your furry friends and go on a much-deserved pet friendly staycation? Planning Your Pet Friendly Staycation When it comes to planning your staycation, there are […]

Nov 19
A Guide To Choosing The Best Puppy Name

Whether you’re a new pet owner or have had furry friends for years, it’s often difficult to find the perfect puppy name for your newest member of the family.  In this guide, we help choose the right one for your puppy! What to Consider when choosing puppy name? Naming your new puppy is a big […]

Nov 18
تبني حيوان أليف مجاناً!! إليك كل ما تريد معرفته 

لقد لاقت حركة ” تبني و لا تشتري” شهرة واسعة في دبي في السنوات الأخيرة، من المؤكد أن سكان دولة الإمارات العربية أصبحوا على دراية كبيرة بأهمية تبني حيوان أليف بدلاً من شرائه.  كل ما تريد معرفته عن التبني المجاني في الإمارات و في الأعوام الأخيرة رصدت العديد من حوادث الغش من قبل بائعي الحيوانات […]

Nov 18
5 Spots to Visit with your Dog this Weekend

The weekend is here and it’s time to explore! We have listed out pet-friendly Spots to Visit with your Dog this Weekend 5 Spots to Visit with your Dog this Weekend 1- Breakfast at Mitts & Tray Mitts and Trays have a wide variety of food, as their commitment to freshness leads them to find […]

Nov 17
Watch the World Cup with your Doggies

If you’re a football fan, you don’t have to miss out on the action just because you have a dog. There are plenty of pet friendly sports bars that will let you watch the World Cup with your Doggies. We’ve got the list for you – whichever area you are in.. 4 pet friendly sports […]

Nov 15
تبني القطط في دبي 

هل أنت من سكان دبي؟ هل تحب القطط  هناك عدة أسباب تدفعك اليوم لتبني قط و ضم حيوان أليف إلي منزلك، أهمها أن تجد من ينتظر عودتك إلي المنزل في نهاية يوم عمل شاق.   لماذا أتبني قط؟   إن تبني قط يجعل حياتك أكثر مرحا، فالقطط من أكثر الحيوانات الأليفة التي تملأ البيوت بالدفء و المرح.  […]

Nov 15
دليلك للتبني: كل ما تريد معرفته قبل أن تتبنى حيوان أليف في دبي

هل تبحث عن حيوان أليف تضمه إلى عائلتك؟ إذن فهذا المقال خصيصاً لك. لذا سهلنا عليك معرفة كل التفاصيل التي تهمك عن تبني حيوان أليف في دبي  فمن المهم أن تعرف أن التبني التزام طويل الأجل قد يصل إلي 115 عاماً، لذا تأكد من قراءة كل التفاصيل قبل اتخاذ قرارك.  قبل التبني  خذ ما يكفي من […]

Nov 14
10 Signs that You are a Typical Dog Owner

As dog owner, we have accepted that we can’t keep surfaces nice and clean. And we also don’t blame our dogs for the mess they’ve made. After all, they’re just unbelievably adorable. We are your parents, your friends, your doctors, your personal assistants, chefs and military sergeants. Whether you enjoy having a dog around the […]

Nov 13
Lovely Kitties Seen at a Meeting of the Rulers of UAE

There was a meeting between the Ruler of UAE HH Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed and the Ruler of Dubai HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid. They met at Al Marmoom in Dubai to discuss the future of the nation. Wherein videos from the meeting show a cute little kitten sitting between the two rulers who seem […]

Nov 13
How to Plan the Ultimate Dog Birthday Party

Have you ever wished you could celebrate your dog birthday party the way you celebrate your own? If you have, then you’re not alone.  There are plenty of dog owners out there who love to throw their pups a birthday party, and why wouldn’t they? Dogs are our loyal companions and often feel like family […]

Nov 13
A New Platform for your Pet Needs is Here!

Have you ever wished there was a one-stop shop for all your pet needs? A place where you could find everything from food and toys? Well, your prayers have been answered. Say hello to Meow Howl, where you can find everything you need for your furry friend all in one place.  About Meow Howl For […]

Nov 10
Our Top 5 Pet Friendly Activities for the Weekend

Sun’s out and so are our harness, leashes and doggy gear for a fun day out! If you’re still wondering what to do during the weekend – we have the perfect pet friendly guide for you… 5 Pet Friendly things to do with your dogs 1- A breezy breakfast at Marina Muse Are you on […]

Nov 09
The Winter Garden is here!

Have you heard? The Winter Garden is here at Habtoor City. With winter upon us and Christmas soon approaching, the team at The Winter Garden has been busy planning and decorating for the holiday season. The leaves have all fallen, the snow has arrived, and the Christmas lights are up. The Winter Garden is a […]

Nov 06
كلاب للتبني في الإمارات

كلاب للتبني في الإمارات Dogs for adoption at Rak Welfare Center 70 Views COCO BIRTH: 03/12/2020GENDER: FemaleBREED: Hound Dogs For Adoption RAK Welfare Center Dogs For Adoption 33 Views Dixie DATE OF BIRTH: 01/05/2020GENDER: FemaleBREED: Dogs For Adoption RAK Welfare Center Dogs For Adoption 123 Views Esme Name: EsmeBreed: FrenchieAge: 2.5 yearsStatus: Dogs For Adoption […]

Nov 03
5 Cool Pet Friendly Activities for the Weekend

Oh the breeze of fresh air! It’s the time to enjoy the outdoors and spend time out with your doggies while the temperatures continue to dip. Here is a list of 5 Cool Pet Friendly Activities for the Weekend 1- Sips and Snacks at Arrows & Sparrows Arrows & Sparrows is a cosy cafe in The […]

Nov 01
Dogs for adoption in UAE

If you are thinking to adopt your furry friend, then you have made the right call. There are hundreds of stray dogs out there that need a place to call hoe. We have listed some of the dogs for adoption in UAE through some of the shelters and rescue centers.   Dogs for adoption at Rak […]

Oct 23
Your Pet Friendly Halloween Guide

Halloween is one of the few occasions that we feel like dressing up and celebrating, and your dog should always be a part of it and should be left alone this Halloween. We go you the ultimate pet friendly Halloween guide Your Pet Friendly Halloween Guide Pet Friendly Halloween Parties 1- Reform Dubai Join us […]

Oct 18
Looking for your next staycation? These 2 Hotels are Pet Friendly

Hoomans need a break every now and then so do our furr-babies! Did you know that the JA Hotel chain is pet-friendly? The beautiful mountain resort – JA Hatta Fort and The Manor by JA welcomes our furry friends and have some goodies waiting for them too upon check-in. JA Hatta Fort Hotel If you’re […]

Oct 14
5 Pet Friendly Things for The Weekend

There’s always something fun to do for the weekend and here are a few pet friendly things for you to do and try out! We’re sure you and your doggos are gonna love it.. 1- Weekend day out at 1484 by Puro A beautiful spot to spend a day out by Highest restaurant in the […]

Oct 06
5 Pet Friendly Activities for the Weekend

It’s more fun outdoors! With the temperatures dropping there’s more fun outdoor activities to do and we have the guide for Pet Friendly Activities for the Weekend 5 Pet Friendly Activities for the Weekend 1- Pet Friendly Hike to Al Gaf Summit You can start from the viewing deck park until you reach the north […]

Oct 05
Dogs Separation Anxiety Explained

Dogs are one of the most loving, loyal creatures on the planet. But what happens when they’re suddenly separated from their owner? Unfortunately, dogs can suffer from separation anxiety, which can lead to destructive behaviors and even depression. However, there are ways to help your dog cope with this anxiety so that everyone can stay […]

Oct 03
What to know about Feeding your Puppy

You’ve finally done it – you’ve brought home a bouncing, furry little puppy! But now that the initial excitement has worn off, you might be wondering how to properly care for and feeding your puppy. In this blog, we tackle all the information you need to know about feeding your puppy, from what kind of […]

Oct 03
Pet Friendly Expo City

Are you looking for a new pet friendly place to explore and hang around with your doggos? Great news – Expo city is now open and a dog-friendly place as well!! Expo 2020 may have ended, but the expo city is still standing and there’s still a lot for you see and soak your eyes […]

Sep 29
Fun Pet Friendly Activities This Weekend

Autumn is here! And with the temperatures starting to drop it’s nice to enjoy the great outdoors and have a day out with your doggos. Here are some fun pet friendly activities this weekend 5 Pet Friendly Activities to do with your Dog this Weekend 1- Sips and Snacks at The Perq Freshly baked pastries, […]

Sep 28
Keep Your Dog Safe at Dog Parks

Dog parks provide a place for our furrbabies to socialize and enjoy playtime with our doggies. However, there are some risks involved and this is how to keep your dog safe at dog parks. One of the most common risks is that your dog might get injured by another dog or person. There is also […]

Sep 28
What You Should Know About Dog Howls

Did you know that the dog howls are one of the most popular sounds in the animal kingdom? Dogs use their howls to communicate with other canines, to announce their presence to humans, and to express a range of emotions. So if you’re ever feeling down and want to reach out to your canine friends, […]

Sep 27
Working out with your Dog

Doggies are great companions and can provide hours of cuddles, laughter, and exercise all at the same time! They are also the best workout partners – always happy to go on a walk or run with you, and they don’t care if you don’t have time to go to the gym. There are many ways […]

Sep 24
Etihad Announces Changes to their Pet Fares

Are you planning to travel with your doggos? Etihad Airways is adjusting its pricing to pet fares that you should consider… Starting 15th October, Etihad will be implementing a hike on their pet travel fares as mentioned below. New Etihad Pet Fair **Source Etihad Airways website – link This fare change is not applicable to […]

Sep 22
5 Things to Consider Before Sending your dog to Boarding

Boarding facilities are a great option for dog owners who want to travel but don’t want to leave their pets at home. They provide a safe and comfortable place for your dog to stay while you’re away but there are Things to Consider Before Sending your dog to Boarding There are many benefits of boarding […]

Sep 22
5 Fun Activities to do With Your Dog This Weekend

Get ready for a fun weekend ahead with your doggos! We’ve got a list of Fun Activities to do With Your Dog ready for you from dog-friendly cafes, puppy yoga, staycations and a lot more.. Fun Activities to do With Your Dog This Weekend 1- Coffee fix at Counter Culture Cafe Nothing like a morning […]

Sep 17
How to Get Rid of Dog Fleas

Dog Fleas are pesky little critters that can quickly multiply and cause a lot of irritation and discomfort for your dog. In this article, we will show you how to get rid of fleas on your dog using natural methods that are safe and effective. Get Rid of Dog Fleas 1- Dog Flea Shampoo and […]

Sep 16
5 Cool Things to do with your Dog this Weekend

Temperatures are dropping and there is news of hail across the Emirates. What better way to spend the weekend than to explore the great outdoors with our loyal pals. We have listed down 5 different ideas of cool things to do with your dog this weekend. 5 Cool Things to do With Your Dog 1- […]

Sep 14
What to know: Leaving your Dog at Home

We all got work, errands and other stuff that need to attend that might needs us leaving your dog at home. But have you ever wondered how long can we leave or doggos at home?  If you are going to leave your dog alone for an extended period of time, it is important to follow […]

Sep 14
12 Best Hiking Gear for Dogs

Before you embark on your next outdoor adventure with your dog, you’ll want to keep them safe and comfortable as well as looking their best. This guide provides tips for the best hiking gear for dogs. There’s no need to wait until this fall or summer – be prepared now! Best Hiking Gear for Dogs […]

Sep 14
9 Best Pet Smart Devices You Need

With the many options available for pet smart devices, your life as a pet parent will be less stressful and easier overall. Your old-fashioned “good boy!” can now be replaced by automatic feeders and litter boxes. Best Pet Smart Devices BEST SELF-CLEANING LITTER BOX: AUTOMATIC SELF-CLEANING CAT LITTER BOX Litter Robot boxes are equipped with […]

Sep 14
Best Dog Leash for Hiking

The best dog leash for hiking depends on breed, training level, or preference. Climbing rope dog leashes are good when setting off across rough trails as they are strong and safe. Hands-free leash that is perfect when you’re out on long hikes but still have your hand free to maintain balance and support. These hiking […]

Sep 14
Best Dog Shampoo for Your Furry Friend

For some dog owners, bath time can be a bonding experience. For others, everyone ends up soaked and nobody is happy. Having the best dog shampoo can make things easier when the goal is a clean pet that doesn’t smell like wet dog. Look for shampoos that dilutes easily, has a good clean, will not […]

Sep 14
Should You Buy a Dog Treadmill

Dog treadmill can be life-changing if your dog needs a walk at 5 am in the morning and the temperature is -10 degrees. Maybe you need to play with the doggie pool toys, but your furry friend is just staring at you. Or your dog might be overweight, so a slow feeder bowl might be […]

Sep 14
Best Luxury Dog Bed

For those concerned with interior design, traditional dog bed designs can be a headache. The solution? Elevating your dog’s sleeping surface and providing a show of style, with quality materials that are designed to provide ultimate comfort. Luxury dog bed is available for both cats and dogs. We have insight on design trends, product quality […]

Sep 13
Best Bully Sticks for Dogs –

Chews made from a certain part of a bull or steer are popularly known as bully sticks, bully bones or pizzles, and are typically 100 percent beef. Like any other treat long as you give them in moderation and supervise your pet when they chew on them, it won’t have a bad impact on your […]

Sep 13
9 Best Dog Brush for Your Furry Friend

What works for one dog may not work well for another; using a different tool will make your life a lot easier by cutting away this process. We have listed down the best dog brush for your furry friend Three types of dog coats determine what tools to use when grooming.  Fur-type Regular brushing helps […]

Sep 13
Pawrents Guide – Everything About Feeding Senior Dogs

As our dogs grow older, you might start to worry about what he or she is eating. Just like people, feeding senior dogs is different from young dogs, senior dogs need a balanced diet with enough protein and fat to keep them healthy.  Is there special food for senior dogs? There is no one-size-fits-all answer […]

Sep 13
Is Your Dog Throwing Up?

The idea in your head of ‘why does my dog throwing up?’ isn’t a fun one. As a responsible pet parent, you’re understandably distressed when your dog vomits – it can be scary to see your doggo retching up the contents of their stomach while you stand by, unsure what you can do to help […]

Sep 09
5 things to do with your Dog this Weekend

Tired from a long week at work? Don’t fret! It’s the weekend and we’ve got a list of things for you to spend quality time with your dog and shake off all that stress. 5 Pawsome things to do with your Dog this Weekend 1- Breakfast at Bounty Beets  Bounty Beets provide delicious organic, gluten-free […]

Sep 08
Dangers of Dog Obesity

Obesity is the most common preventable disease in dogs, affecting between 25 – 30 percent of the dog population, with 40 to 45% of dogs from age 5 to 11 having higher than normal body weight. What causes obesity in dogs? Obesity in dogs can be caused by a variety of factors, but the most […]

Sep 08
Best Dog Hiking Gear (What You Should Get to Hit The Trails With Your Best Friend)

When you’re taking your dog hiking, it’s important to have the right gear so they can enjoy the hike. There are a number of essentials you need to have to get them through the hike safely including first aid kits and backpacks. Here is the best dog hiking gear based on customer reviews. 1- BEST […]

Sep 08
The Best Gift For Dog Lovers (That They Would Totally Buy Themselves)

One of the best ways to buy a gift for dog lovers is to get something that celebrates their love for their canine friends. After all, pet owners know what they like – and they love dogs! We’ve rounded up the best gift for dog lovers, and there are gift ideas for everyone on this […]

Sep 08
9 Best Dog Toys

Most dogs love toys. They’ll play with them by shaking, catching, rolling, chewing, and cuddling the best dog toys. Even just knocking a ball on a wood floor also stimulates their brain and helps expel pent up energy. Testing different types of toys with many different dogs, we found that not every dog likes every […]

Sep 04
All you need to know about Pet Microchip

Are you thinking of getting a pet or already have one? Whether you have a cat or a dog, it’s important to consider getting a pet microchip. Pets can get lost or stolen all the time, and with a microchip, it will be much easier for you to find them if they go missing.  What […]