Are You Giving Your Dog Too Many Treats

Surely we love our dogs and want them to be happy. And the easiest way to get your dog’s attention is by filling their appetite, but this can be damaging to the animal’s health. Here are some tips on when you should resist the temptation to give your dog treats

How many treats can i give to my dog?

10% RULE

Veterinarians often recommend that less than 10% of a dog’s caloric intake comes from treats. Obesity in pets can pose a serious health risk, so pay attention to what is being consumed and do the math when comparing food and treat intake. Just as we watch our diets, pets should also be regulated.


If you have multiple dogs, make sure the treats are adjusted based on the size of the dog.

Different age groups have different needs. When it comes to treats, size matters. Young dogs need more, while older dogs need less. You should take that into account with your vet to make sure your pup has some healthy snacks.


It’s important to regularly feed your dog. If they start skipping out on or not eating their food, this might mean he’s filling up his stomach with other foods. If your dog keeps eating snacks all day, try alternating healthy food in, like apples and berries. The dog will still feel rewarded, but you won’t have to worry about him eating their full meal.

Read our guide on dog food you can do at home


One common sign that you may be feeding your pup too many treats is when the dog behaves in demanding ways. For instance, if he excessively barks for a treat or paws at you after waiting, then it may be time to stop.

The best way to correct this behavior is by ignoring him, as it might be very hard to resist those puppy-dog eyes. Save treats for positive reinforcement from the dog like after his business outside, learning a new trick, or coming when called. You can make use of special training treats like Merrick Power Bites which are usually small and low in calories but still taste nice.

You can buy it from here


Avoid giving treats or table scraps to your pets and instead feed them before preparing dinner. Keeping your dog away from your meal will help get rid of any accidents, like dropped crumbs, and keep the peace between you and your pet.


Some treats are great for your pets’ health, and these should be taken into consideration. If Fido has allergies and needs help with their histamine levels, they can take supplements like Aller-Immune Bites from Zesty Paws. You can buy it from here

Clean teeth are also important for your pet’s health, and dental chews can help achieve this. Remember to consider how many additional treatments you give your pooch each day before determining what other treats are appropriate.


Celebrate your pet’s birthday, but don’t give them too many treats. Giving your pet more than they’re used to will likely lead to an upset stomach. Whether you visit a bakery, make sure you save some leftovers so the celebration lasts longer. Your pup will thank you later.

Here are few dog birthday gift ideas

Speak to your vet now if you’re skeptical about the diet or amount of treats your pet is eating.

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