A Vet Shares Insights on Prevalent Serious Illnesses and Symptoms for Pets in the UAE

Dr. Nour Abou Fakher, a Veterinary Surgeon at Blue Oasis Veterinary Clinic, shares her expertise on the prevalent serious illnesses affecting pets in the UAE and the vital signs pet owners should be aware of to ensure their furry friends remain healthy.

Understanding the Threats

The hot and humid climate in the UAE creates an environment where pets are particularly susceptible to various diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, mites, and internal parasites. Among the most serious, and often deadly, diseases in the region are:

  • Parvovirosis (affecting both dogs and cats)
  • Distemper and Kennel Cough (in dogs)
  • Cat Flu Complex (in cats)
  • Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) (in cats)

While vaccinations are available for many of these diseases, others, like FIV and FIP, remain without preventive vaccines. Fortunately, the UAE is free from Rabies, a severe threat in many other regions.

Recognizing Symptoms

Pet owners should be vigilant for the following symptoms that might indicate a serious illness:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Drooling
  • Discharge (from eyes or nose)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Skin lesions
  • Hair loss

If any of these symptoms are observed, consulting a veterinarian immediately is crucial.

Preventive Measures

Dr. Fakher emphasizes that the most effective preventive measure is vaccination where it is available. Beyond vaccinations, understanding how diseases are transmitted and adhering to preventive treatments and practices can significantly reduce the risk of infection. Key preventive measures include:

  • Regular anti-parasitic treatments
  • Maintaining good hygiene
  • Providing fresh food and water
  • Isolating sick animals to prevent the spread of disease

Treatment Options

In cases where prevention fails, early detection and treatment are vital. Bringing your pet to a vet at the first sign of illness can significantly improve the chances of recovery.

Some illnesses can be treated with medications, while others may require supportive treatments to manage symptoms and boost the immune system. Delaying treatment can lead to severe consequences, highlighting the importance of prompt veterinary attention.

The Role of Regular Checkups for Pets in the UAE

Regular veterinary checkups are fundamental in maintaining your pet’s health. Dr. Fakher advises that thorough examinations and routine blood tests can detect diseases early, leading to better treatment outcomes.

She stresses that vaccinations and anti-parasitic treatments are essential components of veterinary care, protecting pets against some of the most severe diseases. Regular vet visits should be as routine as providing food and shelter for your pets.

About Blue Oasis Vet Clinic

Blue Oasis Veterinary Clinic, a cornerstone of pet care in Dubai since 2008, is renowned for its comprehensive and advanced veterinary services.

Their medical team specializes in various areas, including emergency and critical care, surgeries, diagnostic imaging (MRI, X-ray, ultrasound), an in-house laboratory, veterinary dentistry, vaccinations, microchipping, and house-call services.

The clinic’s motto, “We care more,” reflects their unwavering dedication to providing top-tier care for pets with genuine compassion. Combining veterinary excellence with heartfelt commitment, Blue Oasis Vet Clinic is a trusted partner in ensuring your pet’s health and happiness.

For more information on how to keep your pets healthy and happy, visit Blue Oasis Veterinary Clinic and stay tuned to PetWithIt for more expert advice and tips.

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