9 Fun Outdoor Games for Dogs

We know why you’re here – because you care enough about your dog – it’s your family. Outdoor games for dogs improve your dog’s behavior and mental stimulation while keeping him entertained.

Not only will you learn what these outdoor games are, but you’ll also learn how to play them properly.

Top Outdoor Games for dogs

1- Bubble-it-up

Pet parents dedicate a whole day just blowing soap bubbles for their dogs as they love soap bubbles just as much as children. However, preparation is required – your dog may be allergic to the soap solution, which is a risk that must be addressed. Therefore, you should make sure that the soap solution you choose is suitable for dogs.


Pure. Entertainment. Your dog’s favorite ball just might be a soap ball.

2- Round Robin (Name Game)

Round Robin may just be the most popular name game for dogs. However, most dog parents make two crucial mistakes when playing this game.

The first mistake 

Not calling their name before giving them the treat. Dogs surely love treats and should be rewarded. But the purpose of the game is lost if the dog does not learn anything. The reward comes afterward when your dog responds to their name

The second mistake 

Starting at open areas. Let’s begin with just two people. Then, you can either add more people or increase the distance between them. Family members could stand in a circle in your backyard. Have your treats ready, and call the dog. This is how dogs establish familiarity with family members quickly.


The mental stimulation induction makes dogs more responsive, which is essential to training them.

3- Hide And Seek

All of us remember playing hide and seek as a child. So, why not share this joyful outdoor games for dogs? However, It is common for people to make a mistake while playing this game

Mistake: Hiding while the dog is not paying attention 

Making a game interesting for your dog is a bit difficult. That’s why you should focus on making it as interesting as possible. Hide when the dog is paying attention.

The game can be made more enjoyable for the dog if the difficulty level is lowered. Once your dog finds you after calling his name, reward it handsomely with treats to make them feel appreciated.

Over time, you’ll be surprised how well your dog responds to even the trickiest commands.


It makes your dog more responsive and attentive not to mention it’s FUN!

4- Aquatic Adventures

There’s a catch when it comes to dogs. If you don’t know how to train your dog for swimming, it’s best if you take it slowly unless they’re already swimming. Let them also wear a life jacket.

You can get yourself an inflatable pool with fresh water if swimming in running waters feels too risky for you and also adding floating toys to the pool will preserve the mental stimulation perfectly.

Apart from swimming, splashing fun never goes out of style, and pretty sure your dog will love sprinklers, and you get to water your backyard at the same time. 


These include weight management, stress relief, minimal dry skin chances, cardiovascular fitness, and more.

5- Tug-Of-War

According to some online sources, tug-of-war makes dogs aggressive. This is untrue. Furthermore, a study has shown that tug of war improves dogs’ ability to interact with people. The golden rule is that you should control the drop.


Improved overall mental stimulation and strengthening of teeth.

6- Ball Game

Our focus is on more rigid balls – for example, soccer or basketball. However, any ball would do if you have an outdoor space and a ball.

You should first catch the dog’s attention. Then, the players can dribble lightly until the dog interferes. After that, you can pass the ball as the dog chases it.

Dogs love tennis balls. If you train your dog’s responsiveness, you can command them to “drop” balls into the laundry basket when your dogs take away the tennis balls. That’s easy basketball!

Balls don’t need to be used for sports, they can also serve as toys.


Your dogs get to play on their own with everyday objects.

7- The Digging Box

Dogs love digging, it’s in their nature. We all remember cartoons showing dogs digging up buried bones. It’s less messy outside when you take the digging box. But how do you do it?

You can get the materials to make your box at your local hardware store. It shouldn’t be too tall,  just below the knee level of the dog’s leg is fine. 

This game can even be entertaining using the method of “red light, green light”, you can train your dog to both dig and stop at your command.


Increases the dog’s focus.

8- Dog Treasure Hunt

Our dogs can’t watch Indiana Jones to learn how to hunt, but bespoke dog treasure hunts won’t be a problem.

To let them find the treasure, the treasure could be either treats or toys.

When you’re planning a treasure hunt, you need to know your backyard and the dog. Here are some key points:

  • Spots that could be dangerous should be avoided
  • Establish a proper path
  • Decide whether to bury or hide the treasure
  • Choose the dog’s favorite toys or treats
  • You need to guide the dog to some extent, so stay with them in case they wander off.


Improvements in physical, mental, and social skills and better bonding with you.

9- DIY Agility/ Obstacle Course

For serious backyard fun, you’ll need some money and some labor. Plus, this is a great game for well-trained dogs.  A dog agility course can be challenging to prepare for, but the process of planning and designing can be broken down.

  • Decide which path to take
  • Choose the materials
  • Make sure each obstacle is spaced appropriately
  • Make sure that the course is well-placed and doesn’t come off easily
  • Make sure your dog knows the agility/obstacle course well

You can buy one from Amazon here

Long-Term Benefits of Outdoor Playing

A study has proven that extensive exposure to indoor air can cause respiratory diseases if your dog doesn’t get enough outdoor time. Nature offers better air quality than rolled-up blankets.

As dog’s age, they tend to become quite lazy. This can harm their alertness and you would want your dog to protect you when the situation calls for it. If Outdoor games for dogs make them stronger in the long run, then you should keep them active.

Last but not least, the activeness of the dogs preserves their health. That means you’ll save a fortune on future medical bills.

A few precautionary concerns

  • Playing tug of war with an already aggressive dog is not recommended.
  • Ensure that the dog won’t be allergic to the soap you choose.
  • When giving a treat to the dog, keep an eye on its mouth.
  • Your dog shouldn’t be overtired.
  • Especially for agility courses, visual aids should be obtained in addition to reading.
  • In case of an emergency, always be prepared to help your dog.
  • Taking these precautions does not mean that any of these outdoor games are dangerous. They are to prevent the slightest possibility of risk from occurring.

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