5 Types of Dog Food You Must Keep Away From Your Dog

There are a lot of things that worry dog owners especially new ones but one thing that concerns them the most is what type of dog food to provide to their new best friend?

The tricky thing is that most dogs will eat anything they find lying on the ground. They have no filter of what is good and what is not, and that is one of the differences in the whole Cats vs Dogs Debate, cats are actually very picky eaters!

Since dogs will literally eat anything, it’s your responsibility to know what type of food you need to keep out of their paws’ reach.

1. Chocolate

This one is obviously a no-brainer. Most people already know that chocolates are a big no for a dog; they contain theobromine, which a dog can’t possibly metabolize so they are very poisonous.

It’s best to also avoid sugary foods and drinks altogether to protect your furry friend from obesity, diabetes and even dental problems.

2. Raw Food

Some believe that a raw food diet is the best way to keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy. While this approach is not entirely wrong but it can be extremely harmful if this raw food isn’t actually fresh.

Beware of raw food that might be contaminated with bacteria and will eventually lead to food poisoning.

Read our blog on DIY home made dog food

3. Fruits (or some of them)

While there’s a large spectrum of fruit that is safe for dogs, a lot of others should be avoided. For example, Avocado is harmless for humans but contains persin which might be toxic for dogs.

Also, grapes and raisins can cause repeated vomiting and it’s best to avoid fruits with seeds as they can cause intestinal or stomach obstruction.

4. Nuts

While nuts are generally safe for dogs, they are high in fat and rich in calories, making them more suitable as a treat as long as it’s used in moderation.

However, macadamias have been found to cause weakness, depression, vomiting and tremors. Therefore, must be avoided and kept away from dogs.

5. Alсоhоl

Does this one actually need to be explained? What circumstances might one think it’s actually a good idea to give a dog any alcohol?

Alcohol hаѕ the same еffесt on your dоg’ѕ lіvеr аnd brаіn аѕ іt dоеѕ оn a humаn’ѕ — but it оnlу tаkеѕ a little tо dо a lоt оf damage.
If a dоg consumes juѕt a ѕmаll аmоunt of аlсоhоl, іt саn саuѕе vоmіtіng, diarrhea, central nеrvоuѕ system depression, сооrdіnаtіоn рrоblеmѕ, dіffісultу brеаthіng, соmа, аnd even dеаth and should go to a vet.

Read our guide on the best vet in Dubai

It is clear at this point that just because a food is safe for a human doesn’t mean that it’s safe for a dog. Cats and dogs have different safe and dangerous food lists, so that should be kept in mind while raising both in one household.
Dog owners know the struggle of finding your dog chewing on whatever he can get his little paws on. What’s the strangest thing you found your dog eating? Share with us in the comments below!

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