4 Reasons Why Two Dogs Are Better Than One

It’s true that all enthusiastic pet owners catch themselves at least once contemplating getting a new furry friend.
Sometimes, they want to own a more diverse spectrum of animals and try to raise a cat and a dog in the same household especially if they were also cat lovers that never could choose a team in the everlasting battle of Cats and Dogs

However, more commonly, dog owners lean towards the idea of getting another dog, convinced that they have now mastered the art of being a dog owner. Here is why this actually might be a good idea!

1. A friend round the clock

We wish we could spend all 24 hours with our dogs but unfortunately, we have trivial human responsibilities like work and school.
As much as it’s tempting, we can’t take our pawed buddy everywhere with us. So instead of leaving your dog to pace around the house in loneliness, it might be better to leave him with a friend that enjoys playtime as much as he does.

2. More exercise

Let’s face it, we can’t keep up with our dogs all the time. Even if we take them on walks or runs, they’re still not as worn out as we are by the end of our workout session.

Having two dogs together will assure they get all the exercise they need to keep your dogs happy and healthy.

3. One of their kind

As much as dogs love us and we love them. We’re not four-legged creatures of happiness and we don’t enjoy the same things they necessarily do.
Dogs are pack animals and having a friend from the same species will definitely help raise their spirit and increase their happiness.

4. It Helps your dog’s social skills

For most dog owners, socializing your dog is a big challenge, and non-socialized dogs can be a hassle to deal with. However, if you make the correct introduction, a second dog will make the socialization process natural.
And if your first dog is already really friendly, he will definitely want some extra interaction. It is excellent to have a social and friendly dog, but only if you can fulfill its socialization needs. With that, a second dog will definitely help.

Of course, it is a huge step to decide to get a second dog. There are things that need to be known and taken into consideration beforehand so make sure you think it through and realize the responsibilities that come with two dogs.
What do you think? Are two dogs better than one? Let us know in the comments below!

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